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Services procurement: Vendor management office roles and responsibilities


Services procurement refers to the process of sourcing and acquiring servic...

How to clearly define quality standards in project management


Quality standards are used to determine the success or failure of a project...

Top qualities to look for when hiring a freelance project management consultant


Hiring a project management consultant can be a great idea for any business...

How a VMS can help reduce services procurement costs


Services procurement can be a challenging and complex process, especially w...

Key KPIs for vendor performance management success


As a business owner or manager, managing vendor relationships is an importa...

How to manage vendors effectively: 7 essential steps


A vendor is a person or business that provides goods or services to another...

Free consultant timesheet templates on Excel to help you streamline your time tracking


As a consultant, keeping track of your time is crucial to ensure that you g...

Top features to look for in a vendor management system


As companies grow, so do their needs for the best vendor management systems...

How to ensure user adoption of your vendor management system


Vendor management systems (VMS) have become essential tools for organizatio...

How to improve vendor relationship management with a vendor management system


Vendor relationship management is a critical part of running any successful...

How to calculate your hourly rate (free consulting fees calculator 2023)


If you are an experienced consultant, you know that determining your hourly...

Essential elements to include in your independent contractor agreement (with free template)


As companies continue to rely on independent contractors for their unique s...

Post-implementation best practices for vendor management system success


As businesses grow and expand, managing vendors can become a complex and ti...

How to implement a vendor management system successfully


How to implement a vendor management system (VMS) successfully Managing ven...

Top challenges of vendor management (and how a VMS can help)


Vendor management is a critical function for businesses that work with exte...

Free Excel invoice template for consulting services (2023)


For consultants, managing a consulting business requires a lot of effort an...

5 ways a vendor management system reduces time to hire


In today’s competitive job market, companies need to move quickly to secure...

What is a vendor management system? A guide for external workforce managers


As the business world becomes increasingly reliant on contingent workers, m...

Best practices for developing a solid cybersecurity plan for your business


Cybersecurity risks continue to increase at an alarming rate, posing a sign...

5 key considerations for choosing the best cloud service provider for your business


As more businesses move their operations to the cloud, the selection of the...

Contact Henrik Arent

Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

Satisfied customers


“Our needs were very specific and we expected that they would be difficult to solve. Yet, shortly after we contacted Right People they delivered a top consultant at a fair price. It has worked perfectly.”

Tue Ansvig, Head of Department, eBay

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