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A guide to finding the best business process automation engineers

Automation engineering used to be essential primarily for the manufacturing industry. These days, automation is just as important for the service industry, with automation engineers taking charge of various tasks such as website development, customer relationship management (CRM), data analysis and optimization, and more. The demand for automation engineers is growing steadily along with businesses’ need to automate their processes efficiently in order to remain competitive in the market.

However, finding the right automation engineer for your specific workflow automation platform can be a challenge.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with the information you need to find the best automation engineers for different workflow automation platforms.

Understanding what automation engineers do in workflow automation

The first step in finding the right automation engineers is understanding what they do.

Automation engineers work closely with software development teams to design and implement automated processes. Automation engineers can be responsible for developing automated scripts, building and testing software solutions, and designing custom workflow applications for specific business needs.

To effectively automate a process, an engineer must understand the technology involved as well as the desired end result.

Technical skills: Knowing the platform inside out

The most important skill that an automation engineer must possess is a deep understanding of the specific workflow automation systems they will be working with. This means having an in-depth knowledge of the technology, its software processes, and features and capabilities, as well as how to effectively use it to achieve desired results.

It’s also important for engineers to stay up-to-date on any new features or changes to the platform, as these can have a big impact on automated processes.

Some examples of workflow automation platforms and the skills associated with them include:

Zapier: Zapier developers must be highly experienced in developing custom workflows using the platform’s API. They need to have a deep understanding of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Workato: Automation engineers working on Workato should be proficient in Ruby and SQL scripting, as well as understand how to best utilize Workato’s various features for maximum efficiency.

Pega: Automation engineers for this platform must be highly knowledgeable in Pega’s proprietary language, Process Commander. They should also have experience building custom workflows and deploying bots across different channels.

Microsoft Power Automate (formerly Microsoft Flow): Engineers working with this platform should be familiar with Microsoft’s Flow Designer tool and its associated components, such as Logic Apps and Azure Functions.

Experience in workflow automation processes and platforms

When considering automation engineers, it’s helpful to find candidates with experience in developing automated processes on the platform you are using.

Here are a few examples:

  • Business process automation: Automation engineers with experience building automated processes for business workflow platforms, such as Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics, can be invaluable in streamlining manual tasks.

  • Data integration: Those with expertise in integrating data from different sources within an automated process can help ensure accuracy and efficiency across the entire workflow.

  • Cloud computing: Engineers who have successfully deployed automation solutions on cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure, can be an asset when it comes to scalability and reliability.

  • Robotic process automation: Candidates with knowledge in using robotic process automation (RPA) tools, such as UiPath, for automating repetitive tasks across different systems can save you time and resources.

  • Project management automation: Automation engineers with experience in project management automation tools, such as Zapier or Workato, can help ensure that all tasks are completed on schedule.

  • Customer service automation: For businesses focused on automating customer service processes, automation engineers with experience in platforms like Zendesk, Freshdesk, or ServiceNow can help improve response times, automate ticketing systems, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Non-technical skills

Automation engineer skills go beyond just technical skills. Automation engineers should also possess certain non-technical abilities.

These include:

  • Problem-solving: Automation engineers must be able to think on their feet and come up with creative solutions for any problems that arise during the development process.

  • Communication: Engineers need excellent communication skills in order to effectively work with other team members and stakeholders. They also need to have excellent written communication skills. They need to be able to write and document their work effectively, so everyone understands what’s going on.

  • Time management: Engineers must be able to manage their time efficiently and effectively in order to complete tasks on deadline.

  • Adaptability: As automation technology evolves, engineers must remain flexible and open to new approaches and ideas for improving processes.

Average automation engineer salary: Staying competitive

While skills and experience matter, offering a competitive salary is also important. Look into the average automation engineer salary in your industry and location. Paying a fair wage will help attract and retain talented automation engineers who can optimize your workflows and make your organization more efficient in the long run.


To wrap it up, finding the best automation engineers for your workflow automation platform involves considering their technical skills, communication abilities, experience with similar platforms, and offering competitive compensation. By focusing on these factors, you can find the right candidates who will help you implement successful workflow automation projects and drive your organization’s success.

Contact Henrik Arent

Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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