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10 Tips to Nail Your Job Interview as an IT Contractor

As an independent IT consultant or contractor, it is essential to perform well in job interviews in order to get new projects. Interviews are an opportunity to impress, but also a potential pitfall. Here are the 10 most important tips to succeed in your next job interview as an IT contractor.

1. Prepare and read up on the company and the project

How will you fit in this company? What will be your role in this project? The more you know about the client and project prior to the interview, the easier it gets to focus on your relevant competencies and experiences to show that you are the perfect candidate for this project.

2. Use your network

Do you have a friend or a former colleague who already worked with or in the company? It can be useful to ask them questions about their experience with the company and if they have any tips for the interview process. If your contact is currently working in the company and holds a certain position, then he or she could even be used as a reference.

3. Make a good first impression

Making a good first impression is important. You should therefore always be on time and appropriate dressed in order to seem professional, regardless if the interview is physical or over Skype. If your interview is over Skype or phone, make sure you are in a good, quiet spot for the interview and that all your equipment is ready.

4. Prepare a quick presentation about yourself

In most interviews you will be asked to make a quick presentation about yourself. This is a perfect opportunity for you to make a short pitch. You should therefore think through your competencies and experiences that are the most relevant for this position and practice to structure a presentation of these.

5. Show, don’t tell

Throughout your presentation and the interview – make sure you try to use relevant examples to show your strengths.

6. Think through the standard interview questions

It can be useful to think through some standard interview questions. What is your motivation for the job? What can you contribute with? Why do you think that you are a good fit for the company and their team?

7. Be aware of your negative characteristics

Reflect on your negative characteristics and challenges in your previous experiences prior to the interview. The interviewer sometimes does not only want to know your strengths, but also your weaknesses. Pick the negative characteristics that you can control to be something positive.

8. Do not be afraid to show your personality

Even though it is always useful to prepare and reflect on the interview in advance, you still need to make sure that you show enough personality and that your answers do not sound rehearsed. The interviewer sets the standard and you should adapt accordingly.

9. Ask questions about the company and the project during the interview

The company does not expect you to know everything about all aspects of the project or what they do. You should therefore consider preparing some relevant questions. The interview is not only about the company getting to know you, but also for you to assess the company and a perfect opportunity to show interest and engagement in the company and the project.

10. Learn from previous interviews

Use your previous project/job interviews to improve your interview technique. Did you get rejected and wonder why? Asking the company for a quick feedback on why they did not hire you can give you valuable tips on how you can perform better in your future interviews.

If you are an IT contractor or independent IT consultant looking for new projects, then sign up for project emails customised to your profile.

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