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How to hire freelance iOS developer consultants in 2024

With over 2 billion active Apple devices globally and an increasing reliance on apps, the demand for adept iOS developers has risen significantly.

These developers, skilled in creating apps for the iOS platform, are becoming key to the success of tech-driven businesses. To navigate this high-demand market, understanding the nuances of hiring skilled iOS developer consultants is essential.

This guide offers insights and strategies for effectively sourcing and hiring freelance iOS developers — or external iOS consultants — in today’s app-centric environment.

Understanding the iOS developer market in 2024

The demand for skilled iOS developers is soaring, driven by the rising popularity of Apple devices like iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches. As more people use these devices, the market for iOS apps grows, creating a need for talented developers.

Essential skills for iOS app developers in 2024

Focusing on specific iOS developer skills and competencies is key. The iOS app development landscape is broad and requires a combination of technical expertise and creative problem-solving.

Proficiency in key programming languages

A top candidate should be well-versed in Swift and Objective-C. These are the backbone languages for creating dynamic and robust iOS applications.

  1. Swift: This is the most important language for iOS development as of 2024. Swift is Apple’s own programming language and is designed for developing iOS and macOS applications. It’s known for being powerful yet easy to read and write.

  2. Objective-C: Prior to Swift, Objective-C was the main language used for Apple’s iOS and OS X development. It’s still important for developers to understand Objective-C, especially for maintaining and updating older iOS applications.

Their expertise in these languages enables them to tackle a wide range of development challenges.

Familiarity with the iOS platform and tools

An exceptional iOS developer will have strong skills in using Apple’s Xcode integrated development environment. This tool is essential for building, testing, and refining iOS apps. Their ability to navigate and use Xcode effectively can greatly influence the quality and efficiency of the app development process.

Design expertise for multiple Apple devices

Look for an iOS app developer who can craft designs that are not just functional but also visually appealing and user-friendly across various devices. This includes iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches. Their ability to adapt designs for different screen sizes and device features is crucial for providing a seamless user experience.

Understanding Apple’s design guidelines

Knowledge of Apple’s design guidelines is important for creating apps that align with the iOS platform’s aesthetics and functionality. This ensures that the apps feel intuitive and integrated within the Apple ecosystem.

Niche skills that set developers apart

Certain niche skills can significantly distinguish an iOS developer from their peers. These skills are particularly valuable as they cater to specific and advanced aspects of iOS app development.

Adapting apps for different Apple devices

A key skill is the ability to optimize apps for the diverse range of Apple devices like Apple TV or the Apple Watch. Each device has its unique features and constraints. Developers who can effectively tailor apps for each type of device can enhance the app’s usability and appeal.

Emerging technologies

Developers skilled in integrating emerging technologies, like augmented reality with ARKit or machine learning with Core ML, bring added value to iOS app projects. Their capability to harness these advanced technologies can elevate your app, making it more innovative and engaging for users.

Where to find iOS developers

Explore specialized platforms and consulting companies

When you’re on the hunt for an iOS developer, your first stop should be platforms like Onsiter and companies like Right People Group.

These distinct approaches offered by Onsiter and Right People Group cater to different needs. While Onsiter gives you access to a broad network of professionals, Right People Group provides a more personalized matching process, ensuring that the developers you consider are closely aligned with your project’s goals.

Both platforms, however, significantly simplify the process of finding skilled iOS developers, saving you time and effort in the search process.

Online communities

It’s not enough to just look at profiles. Join forums and groups on these platforms where they talk about everything iOS development. By getting involved, you can spot developers who are not only skilled but also passionate and knowledgeable about the latest trends in iOS apps, different Apple devices, and maybe even artificial intelligence in mobile development.

Industry events

Check out tech events, especially those focused on iOS or mobile development. These are gold mines for meeting folks who live and breathe iOS development. It’s your chance to meet face-to-face with potential candidates, see their enthusiasm for app development, and understand their experience with different programming languages and operating systems.

Professional networks

Don’t overlook the people you already know. Ask around in your network for recommendations. This can lead you to some top-notch iOS developers, maybe even a senior software engineer or two. A referral comes with a built-in seal of approval, increasing your chances of finding someone skilled and dependable for your iOS app project.

Assessing potential hires

When it’s time to evaluate potential iOS developer hires, your approach should be thorough and multifaceted. This involves not only scrutinizing their technical skills but also understanding their work style and approach to iOS app development.

Related reading:

Digging deeper into portfolios

When you’re looking through a developer’s past work, don’t just skim the surface. Really dig into the details. Here’s how:

  • Check app performance: Download their apps and see how they work in real-time. Is the app fast and responsive? Does it crash?

  • User reviews matter: Look at what users are saying in the App Store. High ratings and positive reviews often indicate a job well done.

  • Variety is key: A developer who has worked on a diverse range of iOS apps shows flexibility and adaptability.

Beyond the code: understanding the developer

Technical skills are important, but there’s more to a good developer. Here’s what to consider:

  • Problem-solving ability: During interviews, present them with a real-world problem. How do they approach it? This shows their practical skills and creativity.

  • Communication is key: A developer needs to be able to explain their thoughts and processes clearly. This is especially important for remote work.

  • Team player: Ask about their experience working in teams. iOS development often requires collaboration with designers, other developers, and project managers.

When it’s time to evaluate potential iOS developer hires, your approach should be thorough and multifaceted.

Conducting effective technical interviews

In technical interviews, aim for a balance between theory and practice:

  • Discuss their favorite projects: This can reveal a lot about their passion and depth of knowledge.

  • Practical tests: Give them a small, relevant task related to your project. How they handle it offers a glimpse into their work style.

  • iOS-specific knowledge: Ask about their experience with iOS-specific tools and frameworks like Core Data, Core Animation, and Apple’s Grand Central Dispatch.

Hands-on coding tests: what to look for

When you give a coding test, it’s not just about whether they can code, but how they do it:

  • Efficiency and clarity: Is their code clean, well-organized, and efficient?

  • Adherence to iOS standards: Do they follow iOS design guidelines and best practices?

  • Problem-solving approach: How do they tackle challenges and bugs? This can be just as telling as the final code.

Setting up the working relationship for iOS app development

When you’re kicking off an iOS app development project, the foundation of a smooth process lies in how well you set up the working relationship with your developer. Here’s how to get it right from the get-go.

Project scope and timeline

Define the project clearly

Be clear-cut about what your iOS app should do. List down the features, user interface elements, and any specific functionality you’re aiming for. The clearer you are with what you want your app to do, the less back-and-forth there’ll be, saving time and effort for both you and the developer.

Related reading:

Set realistic timelines

Work with your iOS developer to figure out a realistic timeline. Remember, good work takes time, especially for complex apps or those with innovative features. If your app is for multiple Apple devices like iPhones, iPads, or even the Apple Watch, factor in extra time for adjustments.

Prioritize flexibility

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Be prepared to adjust your timeline if needed. This flexibility can make a big difference in the quality of your final iOS app.

Contracts and legalities

Create a specific contract

Avoid generic contracts. Your consultant contract should be custom-made for your project, detailing payment terms, project phases, and what’s expected at each milestone. This keeps everyone on the same page and can prevent misunderstandings later on.

Related reading: Key elements you should include in a consultant contract

Protect your ideas

In the tech world, ideas are gold. Make sure your contract covers intellectual property rights, stating that all code and designs created for your app are yours.

Include a confidentiality clause

If your iOS app has unique features or handles sensitive data, a confidentiality clause is a must. This reassures you that your developer understands the importance of keeping your project details private.


Set a schedule for regular check-ins

Decide on a schedule for updates so that you and your consultant can communicate effectively. Whether it’s a weekly video call or a bi-weekly email update, regular check-ins help you stay in the loop and tackle issues promptly.

Use effective collaboration tools

Platforms like Slack or Trello can be lifesavers. They keep conversations, tasks, and files in one place, making it easier to track the progress of your iOS app.

Encourage open feedback

A good working relationship is a two-way street. Make it clear that you’re open to suggestions and ideas from your developer. Often, they can offer insights or solutions you might not have considered.

Need help finding good-quality iOS consultants for your project?

Since 2007, Right People Group has been connecting businesses with top-tier mobile app development experts, including iOS developers. Our commitment to efficiency and effectiveness in sourcing IT and business consultants has earned us the trust of numerous businesses.

What you can expect from us:

  • Quick matching: We value your time and strive to connect you with the ideal iOS developer promptly.

  • Quality assurance: Our iOS developers are not just skilled; they’re among the best. Learn about our selection process.

  • Personalized approach: Recognizing the uniqueness of each project, we match you with developers who meet your specific project needs.

Ready to find your ideal iOS developer? Contact us today and begin your search with confidence.


Finding and hiring the right freelance iOS developer consultant in 2024 involves understanding the market, knowing where to look, assessing skills, and setting up a productive working relationship. Whether you’re developing an app for the iPhone, iPad, or another Apple device, these steps will guide you to the right developer for your project. Remember, the key to a successful iOS app project is not just finding a developer with the right skills, but also establishing a collaborative and mutually beneficial working relationship.

Contact Henrik Arent

Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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