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Addressing the top concerns in outsourcing mobile app development

Outsourcing mobile app development presents a lucrative avenue for businesses navigating the extremely competitive tech landscape. It gives companies access to specialized talent, expedites development timelines, and eliminates the need for internal recruitment and training.

However, like any major undertaking, it’s not without its challenges. Among the top issues companies have about outsourcing app development are:

  1. Finding the right app development outsourcing company: Finding an app development company that’s a good fit for your project isn’t easy. With so many businesses wanting top-notch app developers, the competition is tough. Based on current trends, this demand is only going to get higher​​.
  • Communication: Even if you’re working with a company in your own country, you can still run into problems like not being on the same page about the project, differences in work culture, or issues explaining technical details.
  • Getting value for your money: There’s always a concern about whether you’re spending too much and if the finished app will be worth it. They worry about budget overruns, meeting project goals, timely delivery, and the long-term ROI of the app​​.
  • Legal, compliance, and security: While outsourcing mobile app development offers valuable opportunities, the Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey finds that it also brings important considerations regarding asset protection and legal complexities to the forefront.
  • This guide delves into these concerns head-on, equipping you with the knowledge and strategies to confidently navigate outsourcing app development and achieve a successful outcome.

    Concern 1: Finding a capable app development team

    When you outsource mobile app development, the success of your app hinges on the skills and expertise of the developers you work with.

    Choosing an app development outsourcing company with the right abilities directly affects how well your app functions, how it’s received by users, and ultimately, its success in the market. Finding such a team isn’t as easy as companies would like.

    Skilled mobile app development agencies or mobile developers can turn your vision into a high-performing app, while a less capable team might struggle to meet your expectations, leading to potential setbacks and additional costs.

    How do you find a competent mobile development outsourcing partner?

    To get a mobile app consultant or a dedicated team that matches your expectations in terms of competence, here’s what you should look for:

    • Experience that matches your needs: Check their past projects to see if they’ve successfully built apps similar to what you’re planning. This experience can be a game-changer in understanding your project’s specific requirements.
    • Success stories and reviews: Look for a team with a track record of successful apps. Positive reviews and high ratings on their past apps are good indicators of their ability to deliver quality work.
    • Technical skills for your project: Ensure the team has the right technical know-how for your app, whether for Android, iOS, or cross-platform development. Their technical skills should align with your project needs.
  • Cultural compatibility: The outsourced team’s work style and values must match your company culture. This alignment is important for effective collaboration and can impact the project’s success. Misalignment could lead to friction, potentially slowing down the project and affecting the overall outcome.
  • Adaptability and problem-solving skills: It’s important to choose a team that can adapt to changes and solve problems creatively. During development, unexpected challenges often arise. A team that can quickly adjust their approach and come up with effective solutions is invaluable. This adaptability ensures that your project keeps moving forward, even when faced with unforeseen issues.
  • Where to find the right external mobile app expertise

    To find qualified and high-quality external mobile app developers, we offer specialized platforms:

    1. Right People Group: We focus on connecting businesses with specialized IT and business consultants. All you have to do is contact us, and we’ll help you find mobile app developers whose skills and experience match with your project’s specific needs. Our selection process enables us to connect you with mobile app consultants who are not only knowledgeable in their field but also have a proven track record of successfully handling projects similar to yours.
    2. The Onsiter Vendor Management System (VMS): The Onsiter VMS gives you access to tens of thousands of experts from the Onsiter marketplace and the network of external staffing suppliers across Europe — so that you can find your expert fast. You can then use the VMS to gain total visibility and control over managing your external workforce. Create an account for free on Onsiter.com.

    Concern 2: Communication and project management

    Communication and project management issues can happen in both local and offshore mobile app development. Challenges like misaligned goals, differing work cultures, and communication styles can arise regardless of whether your outsourcing partner is within the same country or overseas.

    Here are some tips for ensuring smooth communication and efficient project management when you outsource app development:

    Detailed communication plan

    This plan should outline how often and through which channels (like emails, messaging apps such as Slack, or video conferencing tools like Zoom) the team will communicate throughout the app development process.

    Identify key team members who will be the main points of contact for different aspects of the project. Choosing specific people to handle different parts of the project makes talking and solving problems easier and quicker.

    If your teams are remote or located across different countries, consider the time zones of all team members to schedule meetings at convenient times for everyone.

    When communication is consistent, clear, and inclusive, the project is more likely to progress smoothly regardless of geographical distances.

    Customized project management approach

    The right project management approach depends on your team’s setup. For remote software development teams, visual tools like Kanban boards can be really helpful. They show tasks and progress in a way that’s easy to understand at a glance.

    For teams that work together in the same place, regular face-to-face meetings or stand-ups are useful. They help keep everyone updated and can quickly address any issues.

    The key is to pick methods that make it easy for your team and the app development company to stay connected and on track with the project’s progress.

    Set realistic expectations and milestones

    Be clear about what you want the project to achieve and the timeframe for these goals. Doing this keeps everyone, no matter where they are located, aiming for the same targets.

    For example, if you’re developing a shopping app, you might set a milestone for completing the user login feature by a certain date. This clarity helps everyone understand what needs to be done and by when, ensuring the project stays on track.

    Concern 3: Development costs and maximizing ROI

    Balancing the cost of developing mobile apps with maximizing your return on investment (ROI) is a delicate dance. While mobile app development outsourcing offers access to skilled talent and potentially lower costs, it’s crucial to navigate the financial landscape strategically to ensure your app becomes a profitable venture.

    To address the challenge of balancing development costs with maximizing ROI in mobile app development:

    Understand cost drivers

    Finding out the cost drivers is key to building an app that fits your budget and delivers a healthy return. Let’s look at some of the factors in outsourced app development costs.

    • Project scope and complexity: The more features and functionalities your app has, the higher the development costs. Prioritize essential features and consider phased development to manage expenses.
    • Development team location and expertise: Rates can vary significantly depending on the team’s location and experience. Consider the balance between cost and expertise when making your decision.
    • Contract terms and payment structure: Fixed-price contracts offer predictability, but hourly rates can provide more flexibility. Choose the model that best aligns with your risk tolerance and budget.
    • Hidden costs and potential overruns: Factor in potential costs like communication tools, intellectual property protection, and additional development rounds to avoid surprises.
    • Technology stack: Using cutting-edge technologies or custom integrations can significantly increase development costs. Opt for established and well-supported technologies for more budget-friendly development. Developing for multiple platforms (e.g., iOS, Android) will be more expensive than focusing on a single platform.
    • App security and maintenance: Implementing robust security features and adhering to data privacy regulations can incur additional costs. Ongoing maintenance and updates are essential for any app, and these costs should be factored into the budget.

    Maximize your ROI strategies

    Implementing smart ROI-boosting strategies like user-centric features and agile methodologies helps your app develop into a profitable venture.

    • Focus on user value: Prioritize features that directly benefit your target audience and solve their problems. A valuable app is more likely to attract users and generate revenue.
    • Optimize development process: Implement agile methodologies and effective project management to streamline development and minimize wasted time and resources.
    • Track progress and measure results: Regularly monitor key metrics like user engagement and conversion rates to identify areas for improvement and optimize your app for profitability.
    • Leverage post-launch monetization strategies: Explore various revenue models like in-app purchases, subscriptions, or advertising to generate income from your app.

    How to balance costs and ROI:

    Finding the sweet spot between spending smart and maximizing returns is the ultimate goal. Here are some tips to walk the tightrope between cost-effectiveness and ROI.

    • Set realistic expectations: Don’t expect an overnight success or immediate ROI. Building a successful app takes time and effort.
    • Invest in quality: While cost is important, don’t skimp on quality. Choose a reliable development team with a proven track record to avoid costly rework and delays.
    • Communicate effectively: Maintain open communication with your development team to ensure alignment on budget, timelines, and expectations.

    While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to balancing costs and ROI, the insights and strategies presented here provide a valuable roadmap for navigating the financial landscape of mobile app development and ensuring your app delivers a healthy return on your investment.

    Concern 4: Legal, compliance, and security considerations

    Mobile application development outsourcing opens doors but also raises questions about protecting assets and navigating legal complexities.

    Protecting your intellectual property and user data

    Secure your app’s unique code, features, and design elements with a solid contract and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). These act like a fortress, ensuring ownership remains in your hands.

    User data is precious. Implement robust encryption, access controls, and regular security audits to safeguard information and comply with data privacy regulations like GDPR or CCPA. Picture it as a data vault for your app.

    Partner with a development team that prioritizes secure coding practices, minimizing vulnerabilities that could expose your app’s backend systems. They’re your digital security team, guarding against unauthorized access.

    Stay vigilant. Continuously monitor your app for suspicious activity and vulnerabilities, and be ready to deploy prompt updates to address any security concerns. Think of it as preventive maintenance for your app’s digital health.

    Understanding the legal maze

    Each app store has its own rules. Get familiar with content and functionality guidelines, like avoiding restricted content or ensuring accessibility. Knowing the rules is like understanding the game before entering the app store arena.

    Legal and compliance requirements differ across borders. Understand the regulations applicable to your target market and your development team’s location. Picture it as having a map for your app’s global journey.

    Maintain open communication with your development team regarding legal and compliance concerns. Ensure everyone understands your requirements and regulatory obligations. This builds a bridge of clear communication, preventing misunderstandings and ensuring a smooth development process.

    Consider consulting a lawyer specializing in app development and relevant data privacy regulations. Their expertise acts as your trusted advisor, helping you navigate the legal landscape with confidence.

    Looking for expert mobile app developers?

    Searching for seasoned mobile app consultants? We’ve been connecting businesses with top-tier IT and business consultants since 2007, including experts in mobile app development. Our rigorous selection process ensures that we match you with mobile app consultants who are not only deeply knowledgeable in their specialty but also have a solid history of handling projects like yours successfully.

    Reach out to us, and we’ll assist you in finding a mobile app consultant whose expertise and experience perfectly align with the unique requirements of your project.


    To outsource mobile application development is a tactical decision for businesses, blending access to specialized expertise with cost-effectiveness. Effective team selection, clear communication, prudent management of development costs, and attentiveness to legal and security details are pivotal. These elements foster project success and optimize return on investment. Successful outsourcing, with these focused strategies, can become an influential asset in your technological toolkit, driving your mobile app towards market triumph.

    Contact Henrik Arent

    Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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