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Your Key to Success: The Front-End Developer Hiring Guide [2021]

You’ve worked hard on your business, and it is doing well, but if you don’t have an easy-to-manage website, you are missing customers. 

It is a hard thing to realize that the reputation of your company on the web is not in how you perform but in how your website looks.

Who makes the look of every company’s website happen?  Meet the front-end developer. 

You know you need a good front-end developer, but how do you go about hiring one? We will give you all the tips you need to know to make a successful front-end developer hire.

You won’t even have to learn code to do it! Let’s jump in.

What we'll cover in The Front-End Developer Hiring Guide:

What Is the Front-End?

The front-end is the part of your website that everyone sees and interacts with. The buttons, menus, text, etc… of all websites are part of the front-end.

The back-end is the part of your website that interacts with the server and the web.

The user experience is why the front-end is important to the business. If a customer has a bad experience with the website, they won’t stay around or conduct business. 

The front-end is customer-focused while the back-end is server-focused.  However, they must both work together for a website to work perfectly. 

Why a Front-End Developer is Important

If your website isn’t smooth, people won’t stay. If it is hard to navigate, they won’t be interested and will go to someone else’s site.

So having a great front-end is extremely important, and that is why you want to hire the right front-end developer.

He is more than just an IT developer who knows some code. He is someone who takes your company’s vision and makes it a reality on the web.

The great news is you can hire a good front-end developer without having to learn a lot of technical details. Just having a basic understanding of the front-end developers world will help you make a great hire.

What Technologies Are Front-End Developers Using in 2021?

Front-end developers are the artists of the web and have many options when it comes to front-end technologies. Their focus is to use all technologies available to create the best experience for your ideal user.

JavaScript is the most popular tool for front-end developers. As a language, it is something a beginner can use as well as a seasoned pro.

It can run on all platforms, including mobile and tablets, plus it can run on servers, so it also works on the back-end.  

There is a strong open source community around Java-Script and they have created numerous free plugins that developers can use to make coding easier.

This has made it the most popular language for front-end technologies.

CSS is the second most popular tool for front-end developers. It works alongside HTML to make sites look better.

Think of HTML as the farmer who grows the food and CSS as the chef who makes the food look and tastes great.

CSS is also very versatile and has numerous frameworks that make it very versatile.  It also works on desktop and mobile devices.  

The Most Popular CSS and JavaScript Frameworks 2021

Frameworks are written to help the coder work with JavaScript and CSS in an easier format. 

Website developers prefer to use frameworks for their work because of their responsiveness to changes.

Frameworks also allow different people to work on the same areas of the website and not accidentally mess up someone else’s work.

JavaScript has some of the most popular frameworks because of its popularity on the web.  Here are a few of the top frameworks:

CSS frameworks function in similar ways to JavaScript frameworks. They keep the developer from having to write new code for every little change.

This keeps the code clean and helps it to function quickly and smoothly.

Frameworks allow changes without having to change the code. Some of the top CSS frameworks:

  • Bootstrap
  • Foundation
  • Bulma
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Ulkit

Frameworks are a foundational piece of any front end. You want a developer who is very familiar with frameworks.

Many developers have a favorite framework they use. You want to make sure their specialty works with what you currently have in place.

Up and Coming Trends and Future Front-End Technologies

After 2020 and the move of so many people to working from home, some of the changes and current trends will need to be considered for your hire.

The need for sites that work with customers is still important, but more and more sites need to have a place for employees to sign in and work from.

This double-duty of sites has increased the need for front-end developers who can work on both sides effectively.

JavaScript is still the king. JavaScript and the many frameworks it offers is still the most popular choice for web development.

With some of the heavy hitters like Facebook using the React framework, and Google using Angular, JavaScript will be around for a while.

Single-page applications are growing in popularity. The smooth features of a single-page experience are seeing incredible results and growth in popularity.

The problem with single-page apps is how they are treated by search engines. 

This has caused many new programs to be developed to address this issue.

The popularity of single-page applications makes it something to consider when you are planning to hire a front-end developer. 

Differences (and Similarities) Between a Designer and a Front-End Developer?

Both the front-end developer and the designer think about the user experience. They want to give the user the best experience possible.

The differences between them show up in how they go about helping to create the end-user experience.

Front-end developers think about coding as their medium of interaction. How can they code the front-end in a way that makes the experience smooth and easy?

Their focus lies in the mechanics behind the page and how they interact with the user.

The designer thinks about the overall design and how it impacts the end-user. They design all aspects of the site like color and style without thinking of the code.

Designers are appealing to the overall look of the site more than the overall function of the site.  

You want to understand exactly what you are looking for before you hire someone. If you are thinking of color and branding, you need a designer.

If you already have your branding and want to hire someone who puts it all together, you want a front-end developer.

Should I Hire a Junior, Mid-Level, or Senior Developer?

The main differences between a junior, mid-level, and senior developer usually come down to experience. They all have a certain amount of front-end developer skills.

The juniors are newer and focus on one main area of coding to deal with. They can bring fresh perspectives and can be hired less expensively.  

The mid-levels have some experience. They can tackle bigger projects and see them to completion while running a small team. 

Mid-levels will cost more than juniors, but not as much as senior developers.

Senior developers usually oversee the other two and keep the whole project in view. They look at the big picture and bring all their experience to the table.

Because of their experience, the senior developers are the most expensive to hire.

A healthy group will have a mixture of these three types of developers because they all bring different perspectives to the project.

What your projects will look like and what budget you have to work with will help you decide what type of developer you seek. 

The other decision you will need to think through is whether you will want to hire someone full-time or an independent contractor.  

Pros and Cons Between a Permanent Employee or Independent Contractor?

Hiring a permanent employee or an independent contractor is an important decision for any leader of a business.

You want to have a clear understanding of the key differences between each one.

Permanent employees work for you and can be the easiest to communicate within a day-to-day setting. However, the cost of recruiting and making sure you hire the right person can be hard for any small or large company.

Many companies are seeing the benefits of hiring a freelance software developer.  

This gives companies the ability to pick someone and have the freedom to change easily if that person doesn’t work out.

One of the benefits of independent contractors is that many companies will do the recruiting for you.   

You don’t have to waste time putting ads out and going through resumes hoping you guess right. You can work with a firm and tell them exactly what you want and they do the hunting for you.  

This freedom takes a lot of stress off business leaders who don’t have the computer language knowledge to even know what questions to ask.

When you count the time and cost involved in hiring and onboarding a new employee, independent contractors make sense for many companies. 

Do you want someone at work regularly or do you want to just hire an expert for a specific need?

Understanding what you want and what you can afford, gives you the first step in knowing which one is best for your company.

Top Questions to Ask a Front-End Developer?

The questions that you ask a front-end developer can help you understand their focus when it comes to design and how it fits your company.

You also want to make sure they are up to date with the latest technology.

Here are a few key questions that can get you started:

  • How do you ensure that your designs keep the user in mind and give them a great experience?
  • Give me some examples of how you like to use CSS floats?
  • What JavaScript templating libraries are your favorite and why?
  • Have you ever made a design someone didn’t like and how did you handle the negative feedback?
  • How do you work with teams that are building together?
  • What do you do to ensure browser compatibility? 

When looking to outsource your work and need help finding the right kind of contractor, you may consider hiring a consultancy.

They can help you know the right questions to ask and help you find people who have been pre-screened already.  

Either way, you will need to do your homework. Don’t let an emergency need push you to make a hire you will soon regret.

Think through the needs of the company for the short-term and long-term as you think about hiring a front-end developer. 

How to Spot a Less Than Average Developer?

The three main languages of front-end developers are JavaScript CSS, & HTML. Your developer should be strong in all three.

Because the front-end developer’s focus is on the end-user, he must have a certain amount of empathy for them. His designs should always be about what they want and not what his design can do.

If a developer “blames” the user for something not working instead of figuring out how to make things easier for the user, then their empathy skills are lacking.

A great developer also remains a great student. Front-end technologies are changing all the time and you want a developer who works to keep up with changes.

If a developer is stuck in a specific way of doing things and isn’t willing to learn, then they will be left behind as technology evolves.

You want a developer who is willing to keep growing and learning and isn’t afraid to admit when he doesn’t know something but is willing to learn.

Developers have to also be working with many different groups so their communication skills are a necessity. A developer who sits behind a keyboard and never communicates with coworkers or their team won’t help you.

He may be the most comfortable behind a keyboard, but you want a developer who is willing to step out from behind the screen to communicate effectively within the company.  

What to Expect From a Front-End Developer?

A front-end developer should be willing to take on the vision and responsibility for your site.

They should be able to take your company’s vision and passion and have it come across on your website. 

You don’t need the same old text written in a new way.  You need to provide a user experience that encourages people to become clients or start a relationship with you.

Your front-end developer must have multiple sets of skills to effectively lead a team and work in your current culture.  

You should also expect your developer to know and handle the complex nature of the site for you.

You want a site that looks good and works well, you don’t have time to worry about how to make that happen.   

Does a Developer Really Need to Know a Specific Framework to Be Worth Considering?

Knowing frameworks is extremely important for any developer. The framework is essential for organizing the code and keeping it organized.

Frameworks also help different people work on the same site and not get in the way of each other.  

The most common frameworks are Angular, React, and Vue.js. When looking for a developer, you should make sure they are proficient in at least one of the frameworks.

Even junior developers should have experience with at least one of the frameworks.  This knowledge is essential to any front-end developer.

If you are looking at someone who is not proficient in at least one of these frameworks, you should investigate and find out why.

The fact that they don’t know a framework should warn you that they may not have the skills needed to be a good front-end developer.

You don’t want to waste valuable time and resources waiting for a new hire to learn essential knowledge before they can do their job.

Don’t Forget to Call References

References are important and should be checked to verify the candidate’s abilities.

References give you an understanding of your candidate’s personality and how they get along with others.

You want to go into a reference session with specific questions. You need to have the basic reference questions prepared.

You also want to have some questions prepared that go deeper.

Ask specific questions about the candidate’s abilities with some of the specific frameworks in mind. You want to make sure they can do what they said they can do.

You also want to see how they handled having someone in authority over them and if they responded well to pushback or if they withdrew.

Teamwork is vitally important and you want to ask about how they handled being on a team and if they ever lead a team.  

Think through some of the most important aspects of the type of person you want working for you and base your questions on those aspects.

The culture of your company must be protected by making sure new your new hires fit the culture. 

References are the best way to find out what type of culture your potential hire has been part of in the past.

From those references, you can tell if they will fit the culture you are trying to build.

The Importance of Onboarding and Training

The most important thing you can do for any of your IT developers is to create a regular onboarding and training system. 

Take the time to think through all the aspects of what they will need to start their job and build an onboarding training process that is consistent for every new hire or new independent contractor.

Onboarding is so much more than paperwork, but the paperwork is something that you must do as a company.  

Try to keep the paperwork to a minimum and get it all done at once or early. You may be able to send them pdf documents before the first meeting and let them know you want all the paperwork finished before the first meeting.  

This will help to keep the onboarding focused on the new job and not on the paperwork, which will save precious time.

For new front-end developers, you want to make sure they get caught up in your project quickly. This can happen by having a focused technical presentation.

Make sure all the documents on the project you want them to work on are collected and organized for them to read.  

This lets them be able to catch up on all the important details of the goal of the project, what has been done, and what direction it needs to take. 

If you have someone leaving the role, ask them to shoot a screencast explaining what they have done so far while showing them the project work.

This is one of the quickest ways for them to understand the full vision of the project, what has been done, and what needs to be done.  

You may want to consider having someone within the company that can act as an onboarding partner for a new person. 

This is someone who can answer their questions about how things are done in the company and any specific technical questions as they get started.  

You also need to create scheduled follow-up routines for every onboarding person. Then build into the calendar time for questions and feedback. 

This helps the new hire and the company have clear communication.     

Hiring Help

Hiring a front-end developer for your company can be intimidating. You want to take the time to get the right person, but you also need to keep running your company.

Finding hiring help can be one of the best decisions you make.  

Since 2007 we have delivered IT and business consultants to over 370+ companies and organizations.  

Our passion is finding the right candidates for the right jobs. We go through many of these steps to make sure the candidates we offer are what you need.

Contact us and let’s talk about what your needs are and how we can help you get the expert help you need.

Contact Henrik Arent

Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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