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Why nearshoring IT consulting services are a better option than offshoring

Companies are constantly seeking ways to stay competitive and improve their business processes. Outsourcing IT consulting services, or transferring jobs to another country has become a popular solution for businesses looking to access specialized skills and save money on labor costs. However, not all outsourcing options are created equal. Offshoring, while often seen as a cost-effective solution, comes with its own set of challenges.

In this blog post, we will explore why nearshoring is a more reliable option than offshoring, and how it may be a more viable option to help boost your business operations.

What are nearshoring and offshoring?

Nearshoring and offshoring are two popular outsourcing options that companies can use to access specialized skills and reduce labor costs. The main difference between nearshoring and offshoring is the geographical location of the outsourcing partner. Nearshoring involves outsourcing to a nearby country, often one with cultural and language similarities, while offshoring involves outsourcing to a country in a different geographical location, often in developing countries.

Nearshoring is beneficial for companies that require frequent communication and collaboration with their outsourcing partner. Offshoring, on the other hand, is beneficial for companies that are seeking to reduce labor costs.

Advantages of nearshoring IT consulting services

When it comes to outsourcing IT consulting services, nearshoring offers several advantages over offshore options. Here are some of the key advantages of nearshoring to consider:

Proximity and time zone

One of the main advantages of nearshoring IT consulting services is proximity. By working with a nearshoring partner, businesses can enjoy better communication and collaboration due to being in the same time zone. This can help to reduce the risk of project failure and improve the speed of project delivery.

Cultural and language similarities

Cultural and language similarities are also important factors to consider when choosing an IT consulting service provider. Nearshoring providers can offer a better understanding of local regulations, standards, and industry practices. This can help to reduce the risk of misunderstandings and improve communication, which is essential for successful project delivery. According to this article by CIO, cultural differences and language barriers were cited as one of the top challenges when working with offshore locations.

Quality and expertise

Nearshoring IT consulting service providers can offer a higher level of quality and expertise due to their experience in the same technology and business environment. They also have a better understanding of local regulations and industry standards, which can lead to better project outcomes.

Cost and time savings

Although nearshoring may not be as cost-effective as offshoring, it can still offer significant cost and time savings compared to working with a local provider. This is because of the lower labor costs in nearby countries and the proximity that allows for faster and more efficient collaboration.

Top nearshoring options in Europe

When it comes to nearshoring options for Europe, there are several top locations to consider. Here are some of the top nearshoring options in Europe based on factors such as technical skills, language proficiency, cost, and proximity:


Poland is one of the most popular nearshoring locations in Europe, thanks to its large pool of technical talent and lower labor costs compared to Western Europe. The country also boasts a high level of English proficiency and a favorable business climate. Poland has a strong focus on technology and innovation, with many IT-related universities and research centers, making it an attractive option for companies seeking top talent in the field.


Ukraine has emerged as a popular nearshoring location due to its strong technical talent pool, particularly in areas such as software development and cybersecurity. The country also offers lower labor costs compared to other European countries and a favorable tax regime. Ukraine has a large number of universities and technical colleges, producing a steady stream of highly skilled IT professionals.


Romania is another popular nearshoring location in Eastern Europe, thanks to its large pool of IT professionals and lower costs compared to Western Europe. The country also has a strong focus on education, particularly in the field of technology, and a high level of English proficiency. Romania is home to a number of large IT companies and outsourcing providers, as well as a growing startup scene.


Bulgaria is another up-and-coming nearshoring destination, offering lower labor costs and a favorable business environment. The country also boasts a strong technical talent pool, particularly in areas such as software development and IT support. Bulgaria has a growing IT industry, with a number of software development and outsourcing companies operating in the country.


Hungary is another popular nearshoring location in Europe, offering a favorable business environment, a strong technical talent pool, and lower labor costs compared to Western Europe. The country also has a high level of English proficiency and a favorable tax regime. Hungary has a growing IT sector, with a focus on software development and cybersecurity.

These top nearshoring options in Europe offer a range of benefits, including a strong technical talent pool, lower labor costs, favorable business environments, and high levels of English proficiency.


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How Right People Group can help

When it comes to finding the right nearshore IT consultant, the process can often be time-consuming and difficult. That’s where we come in. With our extensive network of skilled IT professionals across Europe, we can quickly and easily find the perfect nearshore partner to meet your business needs.

Our experienced team will work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and find the best fit for your project. We take pride in our ability to source the top IT consultants across Europe, and we are committed to helping your business succeed by providing high-quality IT consulting services that meet your unique needs.

Visit our remote IT consultant sourcing service page to learn more about our nearshore IT consultant sourcing services.


While both outsourcing options have their own set of advantages, it’s clear that nearshoring IT consulting services are becoming a more reliable and effective alternative. By choosing a nearshoring partner that is located in a nearby country with cultural and language similarities, businesses can enjoy better communication, higher levels of quality and expertise, and significant cost and time savings.

Contact Henrik Arent

Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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