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Top qualities to look for when hiring a freelance project management consultant

Hiring a project management consultant can be a great idea for any business that wants to improve their project management process. The consultant can provide project management expertise and knowledge of industry-specific processes and best practices. This helps ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

However, not all freelance project management consultants are the same. To make sure you get the best results we explain the top qualities when selecting a project management consultant or project management team.

Extensive experience and proven track record

To find a qualified project management consultant, start by looking for someone with project management expertise. This means finding an individual or team that has experience in the industry and a track record of successful project delivery across various projects. Make sure they have a deep understanding of project management processes and can manage complex problems that may arise during the project.

It’s also important to check if they have a history of delivering projects on time and within budget throughout their project management consultant career. Request references from previous clients and inquire about their experiences. A reliable freelance consultant should be happy to provide this information.

Project risk management skills

According to an article by Lukas and Clare featured on the Project Management Institute, “many people using risk management do not fully understand basic risk concepts and therefore utilize incorrect techniques in preparing and implementing risk management plans.” Project risk management skills is a crucial quality that can prevent project failures, increase project efficiency, and minimize costly rework or delays.

When hiring a freelance project management consultant, it is important to ensure they have experience in risk management, particularly in risk identification, assessment, and mitigation strategies. They should be capable of developing risk management plans tailored to the project’s specific needs.

Excellent communication and problem-solving skills

Successful project management consultants possess excellent communication and problem-solving skills, which are essential for managing complex projects.

They need to communicate effectively with both clients and the project team, negotiate solutions, delegate tasks, troubleshoot issues, and ensure that projects stay on track.

Attention to detail is also important to identify potential project risks and problems before they escalate, which enables successful project delivery.

Strategic thinking

In addition to communication and problem-solving skills, freelance project managers should have strong strategic project management skills.

They must be able to develop a strategy and plan of action for each project, set realistic goals, and communicate these effectively to their team. They need to map out tasks and milestones, anticipate potential obstacles or delays, and devise strategies to overcome them.

A successful project management consultant also help clients stay focused on their long-term strategic objectives, ensuring that the project is set up for success from the beginning.

Time management and organizational skills

A successful project manager needs to have strong time management and organizational skills. They should be able to plan, organize, and execute tasks on time to ensure the project is delivered successfully.

Projects can often become more complex than expected, and a good consultant should be able to stay on top of tasks and meet deadlines. Additionally, having strong organizational skills is essential for managing multiple tasks at once.

The consultant should also be capable of creating documentation and reports that track progress, enabling you to stay informed and make necessary changes to the project management strategy throughout the course of the project.

Adaptability and flexibility

Adaptability and flexibility are essential qualities to look for in a freelance project management professional. When hiring a consultant, it’s important to consider their ability to develop innovative solutions, implement process improvements, and effectively manage project timelines.

A good consultant should be able to quickly adjust to changes in the project scope, unforeseen delays, or other variables that can affect the success of a project.

They should also be flexible enough to accommodate different types of clients or projects as needed, while still maintaining a high level of quality in their work.

Technical skills

When hiring a project management consultant, it is essential to ensure that the consultant possesses the necessary technical skills for the job.

This includes proficiency in project management software and tools, as well as a deep understanding of industry-specific processes and standards. Depending on the specific requirements of your project, it may be necessary to find a consultant with specialized technical expertise.

Ultimately, the goal is to identify a consultant who can implement solutions and drive quality or process improvements.

Cultural fit and compatibility

In addition to the above qualities, it’s important to consider a potential consultant’s compatibility with your team and organization. A good fit between the consultant and your culture can make for smoother teamwork, better communication, and ultimately more successful projects.

To assess a consultant’s cultural fit, ask questions about their approach to problem-solving, views on collaboration, and overall working style. Additionally, inquire about any experience they have in similar organizational cultures or industry environments.

Where to look for high-quality freelance project management consultants

When searching for a freelance project management consultant, it’s important to look in the right places.

For the best results, consider seeking out specialized marketplaces like Onsiter that are focused on project management and related fields. Additionally, you can use sites such as LinkedIn to search for experienced professionals who may be available for consulting opportunities.

Ultimately, when it comes to finding the right freelance project management consultant, the most important thing is to take your time and conduct due diligence. Finding a professional who meets all of your requirements and brings the right skillset to the table can make all the difference in ensuring successful projects.


When hiring a freelance project management consultant, it’s important to look for candidates who possess the right qualifications and skills. In addition to technical knowledge and experience, look for qualities such as communication and leadership abilities, time management and organizational skills, adaptability and flexibility, as well as cultural fit. By taking the time to evaluate these qualities, you can be sure to find the right consultant for your project.

With the right match and an experienced, knowledgeable freelancer on board, you can rest assured knowing that your project is in capable hands.

Contact Henrik Arent

Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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