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Key mistakes to avoid when hiring experienced front-end developers and consultants

Finding the right front-end developers or consultants is key for businesses that want to make their websites and apps look great and work smoothly on any device.

But hiring the right people isn’t always easy. There are lots of steps where things can go wrong, from not being clear about what you need, to missing out on checking their skills in user interface and responsive designs.

To get through this process successfully and find the developers who can really help your projects shine, it’s important to know the common traps in the hiring process and how to avoid them.

This guide will give you tips on how to hire front-end developers who are not only technically skilled but also a perfect fit for your team and projects.

Full stack developer vs. front-end developer vs. back-end developer

Let’s first clarify the roles of full-stack, front-end, and back-end developers before discussing common hiring mistakes for front-end developers and consultants.

Each plays a unique role in building websites and apps, but their areas of expertise and responsibilities vary.

A front-end developer works on what users see and interact with. They use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make the design come alive, focusing on user experience to ensure the site or app looks good on all devices. They’re all about the visual aspects, like layouts, buttons, and navigation.

On the other side, a back-end developer takes care of the server, database, and application logic — the parts you don’t see but are crucial for functionality. They might use languages like Python, Ruby, or PHP and are responsible for managing data and serving it to the front end.

Then there’s the full-stack developer, who understands both the front and back ends. They can handle a project from start to finish, making them versatile team members. They’re great for projects where having a broad view of the web development process is beneficial.

1. Not clearly defining the role

Failing to specify the exact requirements and expectations for the frontend developer position can lead to confusion and mismatches in hiring.

Without a clear job description, candidates might not fully understand what’s expected of them, especially in terms of how their role interacts with other areas like back-end development or search engine optimization (SEO). This can result in hiring someone whose skills don’t perfectly align with your project needs.

To avoid this, make sure your job postings and interview discussions clearly outline the role’s responsibilities and how they fit into the larger project context.

Include specifics such as:

  • Core technical skills required: Detail the necessity for proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and any frameworks or libraries relevant to your projects.

  • Understanding of complementary areas: Mention if the role requires a basic understanding of back-end development principles or SEO strategies to ensure the front-end work supports all aspects of web development effectively.

  • Project involvement: Clarify the level of involvement in the project lifecycle, from initial design through to implementation, and how the role contributes to meeting the project’s overall objectives.

2. Overlooking the consultant’s track record

Skipping a deep dive into the consultant’s past projects, client feedback, and their contributions to web development work can lead to poor hiring decisions.

If you don’t check their background thoroughly, you might end up with a consultant who doesn’t have the track record you need for your project’s success. This can mean they might not have the skills or experience to push your front-end development forward in the way you expect.

To ensure you’re bringing on a consultant with a solid experience, consider the following steps:

Ask for case studies or portfolios: Look for detailed examples that showcase the consultant’s involvement in projects that align with your goals. These should highlight:

  • Problem-solving capabilities: Understanding how the consultant approaches and resolves challenges is key to assessing their fit for your projects.

  • Technical skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Proficiency in these core technologies is essential for front-end development. Their ability to apply these skills effectively can greatly impact the user experience and functionality of web applications.

  • Contributions to the success of web applications: This includes not only their direct development contributions but also how their work supports broader goals such as search engine optimization (SEO), enhancing the visibility and performance of web applications in search engines.

Review client testimonials: Feedback from previous clients can offer insights into the consultant’s reliability, work ethic, and ability to deliver results. Pay attention to comments on:

  • Timeliness and project management

  • Communication and collaboration skills

  • Overall satisfaction with the delivered work

Discuss projects during interviews: Use the interview as an opportunity to look into the consultant’s project experiences. Focus on:

  • Their role and responsibilities in each project

  • Specific challenges they faced and how they overcame them

  • The impact of their work on the project’s outcome


3. Ignoring compatibility with remote work

Assuming all front-end developers and consultants are equally prepared to work effectively in remote setups without assessing their experience and comfort with remote work environments.

Remote front-end developers require strong communication skills, self-discipline, and the ability to collaborate effectively across digital platforms. Overlooking these aspects can lead to project delays and coordination issues.

To ensure successful collaboration with remote front-end developers and consultants, consider the following steps:

Discuss past remote work experiences: During the interview, ask candidates about their previous remote work situations. Focus on understanding:

  • How they’ve managed communication with remote teams and clients

  • Their approach to meeting deadlines when working remotely

  • Strategies they use to stay integrated with the team despite the distance

Evaluate communication skills: Effective communication is key in remote work settings. Look for evidence of:

  • Look for developers who can explain complex ideas simply, crucial for discussing front-end and back-end development tasks

  • Ensure they’re skilled with collaboration tools, vital for linking different development areas

  • They should be adept at expressing ideas in writing and on calls, essential for remote project discussions

Assess self-management skills: Remote work often requires a higher degree of self-discipline and motivation. Try to gauge:

  • Their methods for organizing work and managing time

  • How they handle distractions and stay focused on tasks

  • Examples of successfully completed projects while working remotely

Understand their collaboration process: Working remotely doesn’t mean working in isolation. It’s important to know how candidates collaborate with others online. Ask about:

  • Their experience with collaborative software development tools

  • How they contribute to a team’s work and culture remotely

  • Ways they ensure their work aligns with the team’s goals and deadlines

4. Underestimating the importance of soft skills

When you hire a front-end developer, concentrating solely on technical abilities without assessing interpersonal and consultancy skills can lead to an inefficient hire.

Technical skills are important, but the ability to communicate effectively, understand client needs, and work collaboratively within a front-end development team is equally important, especially for consultants who often navigate between technical teams and stakeholders.

Include interview questions that explore how candidates have managed client expectations, resolved conflicts, and contributed to team dynamics in past roles.

For an experienced or senior front-end developer, understanding their approach to conducting user research, implementing user-centered design, and their experience with content management systems can offer insights into their comprehensive skill set.

Incorporate specific interview questions: Aim to understand how they’ve handled situations that require more than just technical knowledge. Ask about times they:

  • Managed client expectations in challenging projects

  • Resolved conflicts within their team or with clients

  • Played a key role in team dynamics, contributing to a positive work environment

Assess their approach to user research and design: For a front-end web developer, it’s important to know how they gather and use user feedback to inform their design decisions. Discuss how they:

  • Conduct user research to understand the needs and challenges of the target audience

  • Apply principles of user-centered design to create intuitive and accessible web applications

  • Use their knowledge of content management systems to ensure that the end product meets both client and user expectations

Look for examples of leadership and initiative: Even if they’re not applying for a leadership role, the ability to take initiative and guide projects is valuable. Explore how they’ve:

  • Led projects or contributed to decision-making processes

  • Mentored junior team members or shared knowledge with peers

  • Adapted to new challenges and learned from them to improve future projects

5. Not valuing adaptability and continuous learning

One common mistake is overlooking the candidate’s willingness and ability to adapt to new technologies, programming languages, and front-end development trends.

The field of web development and front-end technologies evolves rapidly. Hiring someone resistant to learning and adapting can hinder your project’s ability to stay current and competitive.

Look for candidates who demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning and professional development. Ask about recent courses, certifications, or projects that required them to learn new technologies or adapt to emerging front-end development practices.

Consider these following steps when selecting an experienced front end developer:

Look for a proven track record of learning: Candidates should be able to show how they’ve kept up with the latest in web development, front-end technologies, and programming languages. This can include:

  • Participation in relevant courses and workshops

  • Achieving certifications in new technologies

  • Engaging in projects that required the use of emerging technologies

Ask about their learning process: During interviews, explore how candidates stay informed about new trends and practices in front-end development. You might ask about:

  • Their go-to resources for learning (blogs, forums, online courses)

  • Examples of how they’ve applied new knowledge in practical scenarios

  • Their approach to tackling unfamiliar problems or technologies

Evaluate their adaptability: Discuss scenarios or past experiences where they had to quickly adapt to changes in a project or learn a new technology to meet project goals. Consider questions like:

  • How they’ve handled significant changes in project requirements

  • Times they’ve had to learn a new framework or tool on the job

  • Their process for integrating new technologies into existing projects

How to find your ideal front-end consultant fast

Finding the right front-end consultant is a detailed process. It requires careful consideration of their specific skills, how well they understand your business, and whether they fit within your budget.

Since 2007, Right People Group has been connecting businesses with highly skilled IT consultants, including front-end consultants. Businesses trust us for sourcing IT and business consultants because we focus on making their search efficient and effective.

Here’s what you can expect from us:

  • Quick matching: We understand the importance of your time, so we aim to connect you with the right consultant quickly.

  • Quality assurance: The consultants we connect you with are not only skilled, but they are also among the best in their field. Find out more about our selection process.

  • Personalized approach: We recognize every project is unique, so we match you with consultants who understand and align with your specific project requirements.

Ready to find your ideal front-end consultant? Reach out to us today and start your search with confidence.


Successfully hiring front-end developers and consultants requires a balanced approach that values both technical and soft skills. By avoiding these common mistakes, hiring managers can improve their chances of finding full-time or freelance front-end developers who not only meet their technical needs but also enhance their team’s dynamics and contribute to the success of their web development projects. Remember, the goal is to foster a collaborative environment where innovation thrives, and your web development objectives are met with precision and expertise.

Contact Henrik Arent

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