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How ERP systems cater to the unique needs of large companies

Running a large company involves keeping track of countless moving parts. From managing your product quality and workforce to handling orders across different regions, the complexity can be staggering.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems offer a comprehensive solution to manage the many aspects of business operations under one roof.

Let’s explore how these systems are particularly beneficial for large companies.

What is an ERP system?

ERP systems are designed to consolidate the management of essential business processes into one unified system. This powerful tool allows large enterprises to oversee and streamline various aspects of their operations effectively.

Customization meets complexity

ERP software is designed to be flexible, meeting the complex needs of big businesses. It comes with special features that can be adjusted to fit exactly what each business requires.

In a unified system, ERP software brings together different parts of a business into one smooth-running system. This includes:

  • Financial management: This part handles all the money matters, like keeping track of earnings, spending, and budgeting. It makes sure everyone uses the same financial data, helping leaders make smart money decisions quickly.

  • Inventory management: This feature helps keep the right amount of stock on hand. It connects with sales and purchasing, helping to avoid having too much or too little inventory.

  • Human resources (HR): HR functions, such as hiring, payroll, and managing employee benefits, are all included. This means employee information is consistent and easily managed across the company.

  • Supply chain management: This ensures that the journey of a product, from making it to delivering it, is efficient. It works closely with inventory to keep stock levels just right and with finance to manage costs.

  • Customer relationship management (CRM): This part improves how a company interacts with its customers by keeping customer information, sales, and support in one place. This helps in giving customers a personalized experience.

  • Project management: This allows for careful control of projects, linking tasks with the resources needed, tracking time, and managing budgets. It helps in finishing projects on time and within the set budget.

ERP systems give a complete view of the business, making it easier to make decisions, improve operations, and grow. The system’s ability to be customized means it can change as the business grows, keeping the company competitive.

How ERP systems help big companies

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems transform how large companies operate, making them more efficient, informed, and adaptable to changes.

Here’s a breakdown of how ERP systems accomplish this.

Improving communication and teamwork

As businesses grow, keeping everyone informed and aligned becomes a challenge. An ERP solution helps by centralizing data, making sure that everyone, from the sales team to the warehouse, is working with the same information. Here’s how it helps:

  • Unified data: An ERP system ensures that all departments access up-to-date and consistent information. This eliminates discrepancies and reduces errors, making operations smoother.

  • Real-time updates: When information changes, such as a new customer order coming in, the system updates immediately for everyone. This means decisions are made using the latest data, keeping the business agile.

    For example, Oracle NetSuite‘s unified data model means that information entered anywhere in the system is immediately available to all users, across all departments, without the need for synchronization or batch processing. This real-time visibility ensures that decisions are made based on the most current data.

  • Collaboration: With shared data, teams can easily see how their work affects others and find ways to work together more effectively. For example, if the sales team sees that stock is low, they can adjust their strategies accordingly.

  • Goal alignment: Having a single source for all data helps everyone understand the business goals better and how their work contributes to achieving them.

In essence, an ERP system acts as a central hub for information, improving communication and coordination across the entire company. This ensures that as the company grows, teams remain informed and collaborative, working towards common goals efficiently.


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Making informed decisions quickly

An ERP system plays a vital role here by giving you a live look into your business. Whether it’s checking how much stock you have or how your latest sales campaign is doing, everything you need to know is right at your fingertips. Here’s why this matters:

  • Up-to-the-minute data: An ERP system updates with every transaction or change, meaning you’re always looking at the current state of your business. This is crucial for responding to market changes swiftly.

  • All in one place: Instead of checking different systems or reports for sales, inventory, or financials, an ERP system brings all this information together. This saves time and lets you see the big picture without missing the details.

  • Better forecasting: With real-time data, you can spot trends and patterns as they happen, helping you predict future needs or issues before they become problems.

    SYSPRO, a business management software, analyzes real-time sales and inventory data to spot trends. This allows users to adjust their strategies promptly, ensuring efficient meeting of future demands.

  • Confidence in decisions: Knowing your decisions are based on the latest and most accurate information gives you the confidence to take bold steps. This could mean launching a new product, adjusting pricing, or changing suppliers.


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Making operations simpler and cutting costs

ERP systems are game changers for big companies looking to do things more efficiently and save money. Here’s the lowdown on how they make a difference:

  • Automating the boring stuff: Think of all the repetitive tasks that eat up your day – entering data, generating reports, tracking inventory. An ERP system can handle these automatically, freeing up your team to tackle more important projects.

    For example, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central integrates well with other Microsoft products, enhancing productivity through the automation of routine tasks. It also provides advanced analytics to support decision-making processes.

  • Bringing everything together: Instead of having your data scattered across different programs that don’t talk to each other, an ERP system brings all your business processes into one place. This means your team can move seamlessly from one task to another without wasting time searching for information.

  • Fewer mistakes: Humans are great, but we all make mistakes, especially when we’re tired or rushed. By automating tasks, ERP systems reduce the chances of errors, which can save your company from costly mistakes and wasted time fixing them.

All of this efficiency adds up to cost savings. Less time spent on manual tasks means lower labor costs, fewer errors mean less money spent fixing problems, and better data means you can make smarter decisions about where to cut costs and invest in growth.


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Handling global challenges

Running a business across different countries brings its own set of challenges, from understanding local laws to managing operations miles apart. An ERP system can make these tasks much easier. Here’s how:

  • Compliance with local laws: An ERP system can be set up to follow the rules and regulations specific to each country you’re in. This means you can manage taxes, employment laws, and other legal requirements correctly, avoiding penalties and fines.

    For example, ePROMIS can automatically adjust to different tax rates and labor laws, ensuring compliance effortlessly.

  • Unified operations: Even though your business operates in multiple locations, an ERP system keeps all your operations connected. You can see what’s happening in every branch, warehouse, or office worldwide in real time. This helps in making informed decisions and ensures consistency across your global operations.

  • Adapting to local markets: With an ERP system, you can tailor your business practices to meet the needs of local markets while maintaining a unified approach. Whether it’s customizing products or adjusting marketing strategies, you can manage these variations efficiently within the same system.

  • Currency and language barriers: An ERP system can handle multiple currencies and languages, making it easier for your global team to work together and for your business to trade in different countries. This reduces confusion and errors, streamlining international transactions.


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The role of external ERP consultants

External ERP consultants help businesses set up and improve their ERP systems, bringing expertise, clear advice, and efficiency.

Why businesses use ERP consultants

  • Expertise: Companies need the deep knowledge of consultants to guide them through ERP system choices and best practices.

  • Objectivity: Businesses count on consultants for honest advice on which ERP solutions are right for them.

  • Efficiency: Consultants’ experience helps businesses set up their ERP systems faster and with fewer mistakes.

How businesses work with them

ERP consultants are important at every step of setting up and using an ERP system, making sure it works well for the business.

Before the system is set up: Companies get consultants to look closely at their processes. The consultants help pick ERP solutions that fit the company’s goals and how it operates.

During setup: Companies don’t just have consultants watch over the process; they’re hands-on. They take care of setting up the system, moving data over, making custom changes, and making sure the new system works well with what the company already has.

After the system is running: The work doesn’t stop once the system is up. Businesses use consultants to train their teams, fix any problems, and think about how to use the ERP system to keep improving and dealing with new challenges.

This way, businesses make sure their ERP systems are set up right from the start and keep adding value, helping the company grow and work better over time.

Looking for the ideal ERP consultant for your project?

The right consultant brings deep ERP system knowledge and aligns software capabilities with your business needs. This search is about finding someone who can customize and optimize the system for your specific goals and budget.

Right People Group specializes in connecting businesses with IT consultants, including consultants who are experts in ERP systems. Our selection process ensures you match with a consultant who has the right mix of technical expertise and strategic insight for your project’s success.

When you choose us, you get:

  • Fast matching to quickly identify the best consultant for your project, saving you time.

  • Access to qualified consultants with experience in ERP systems and a track record of successful projects.

  • A personalized approach, recognizing each business has unique challenges and requirements, to find a consultant who understands your specific needs and can develop tailored solutions.

Contact us today to find an ERP consultant who will give your business processes a boost with their expertise and personalized service.


Adopting an ERP system is a strategic move for large companies aiming to streamline operations and support growth. The expertise of a skilled consultant is key to unlocking the full potential of this technology. Ensuring your ERP system is fully optimized can transform your operational capabilities and set a solid foundation for future success.

Contact Henrik Arent

Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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