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Best practices for integrating an external consultant into existing teams

The world of business thrives on strategic planning, and often, this involves a judicious mix of internal teams and external consultants. The task of incorporating an external consultant into a pre-existing team, however, isn’t easy. But with a clear approach, it’s more of an opportunity than a challenge.

Understanding the role of an external consultant

Before diving into integration strategies, let’s demystify the role of an external consultant. These professionals are usually brought into a company because of their unique expertise. They offer an outsider’s perspective that can illuminate blind spots that internal teams might overlook.

Unlike internal teams who have an in-depth understanding of the company’s operations, external consultants bring fresh eyes, untethered by pre-existing notions. Their primary role is to address specific challenges, facilitate change, or enhance efficiency and effectiveness. So, to maximize the potential of an external consultant, it’s crucial to establish clear goals and objectives for their tenure.

Pre-integration stage: laying the groundwork

The integration of external consultants requires strategic planning. Here’s a breakdown of the crucial steps:

Selecting the right consultant

This stage starts with selecting the right consultant for your team and project needs. A well-executed search process ensures you find professionals whose skills and expertise align with the needs of your company.

Effective communication

The next step is communication – a key element that bridges the gap between the two groups. Your team should be prepared for the arrival of the external consultant, so communicate the consultant’s role, responsibilities, and the expectations you have from the consulting period.

Creating an integration plan

Creating an integration plan is another essential step. This blueprint should cover all the interaction points between the consultant and the team members. The idea is to create a roadmap that offers the consultant a clear path to contribute effectively.

The integration process: building the bond

Integrating an external consultant successfully involves several key steps:

Kick off with onboarding

An effective orientation program paves the way for seamless integration. During this stage, provide an overview of your team, the work you do, and your company culture to create a sense of belonging.

Establish open communication

From day one, encourage the consultant to voice their opinions and share their insights. Remember, the value of their role lies in the fresh perspective they bring.

Foster collaboration

Collaborative activities play a significant role in integrating the consultant. Promote team-building activities, hold frequent check-ins and meetings, and create an environment where your consultant feels part of the team. This will enhance engagement and productivity.

Provide necessary resources and support

Finally, ensure your consultant has all the necessary resources and support to do their job effectively. This could mean access to specific software, human resources, or anything else that would facilitate their work.

Post-integration: monitoring and feedback

Fostering the partnership

The consultant is now a part of your team, and the focus now shifts to making this partnership work. Regular check-ins and progress reports become integral during this phase. These updates help you keep track of the consultant’s performance and adjust strategies as required.

Cultivating a feedback culture

A healthy feedback culture benefits both parties. Encourage your team members and the consultant to share their thoughts and experiences. Address any conflicts or issues promptly and constructively. This continuous feedback cycle is instrumental in creating a successful consultant-team relationship.

Maximizing the value of the consultant’s contribution

Leveraging the consultant’s expertise

Harnessing the consultant’s expertise is key. Their knowledge can enhance team performance and refine problem-solving skills. Listen to their advice and consider their recommendations seriously.

Encouraging change and innovation

An external consultant can be a catalyst for change and spark innovation in your team. Encourage your team to welcome new ideas and viewpoints. Let the consultant’s fresh perspective drive positive changes in your team.

Ensuring lasting value

Lastly, make sure the consultant’s insights and recommendations don’t get lost in transition. Document their contributions and ensure their insights are implemented effectively. Their contributions should create lasting value, long after their contract ends.


Understanding the consultant’s role, careful pre-integration planning, successful onboarding, and continued partnership post-integration are crucial steps of successful consultant integration. Emphasizing open communication, collaboration, and implementation of the consultant’s insights can not only enhance team productivity, but also ensure lasting value. Ultimately, a successful integration of external expertise complements your internal teams, driving your company towards greater success.

Contact Henrik Arent

Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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