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What you need to do before outsourcing software development

Outsourcing software development is becoming an increasingly popular option for businesses of all sizes. The benefits are many, including cost savings, access to top talent, and the ability to focus on core competencies for your in-house team.

Before you jump into outsourcing your project to a software development company, however, there are a few key things you need to do to set your software project up for success.

1. Define your project scope and requirements

This may seem like an obvious first step, but it’s one that’s often overlooked. When outsourcing software development services, be as specific as possible when defining your project requirements in your initial discussions with them. The more detailed your specifications, the easier it will be for prospective vendors to provide accurate proposals. Example requirements might include the project’s purpose, target audience, key features, delivery date, and budget.

2. Research prospective vendors

When looking for a dedicated team from the right outsourcing provider, you might want to be as thorough as possible. We recommend the following steps:

Do your research – read reviews and compare pricing

There are many different software development outsourcing companies out there, and most of them will promise you the world. But to make sure that you get the best, you need to do your research. You can ask for references and portfolios. Or ask for a demo of the outsourcing software development company that you are considering hiring. This will help you to form your own opinion about the company and its work.

Set up a meeting with the company to discuss your project in detail

When you’re finding a software development outsourcing company, it’s important to go into as much detail as possible. This will help you get an overview of the project and help you understand what the outsourcing company thinks need to be done. The better understanding both parties have, the better the project will be.

A good software development outsourcing partner will be able to give you an accurate price quotation and project timeline only after they have a complete understanding of your project.

Make sure the company has experience in your specific industry or niche

It can be convenient to outsource software development, but the key thing to focus on is the experience of the company. Verify that the software development vendor has experience with software development projects in your industry or niche, for example.

Check to see if they have any certifications or awards

This isn’t compulsory, but certifications or awards from third-party organizations could be a good way to quickly verify the credibility of a software development outsourcing company. If the company has been certified by internationally recognized organizations like the ISO, that is a good sign. Software development companies should also be able to provide you with proof of their awards or certifications.

Get a written proposal

When you’ve finally decided on a software development outsourcing company, make sure that you get everything in writing. This includes the scope of work, project timeline, payment terms, and any other important details. Having everything in writing will protect you in case there are any disputes down the road.

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3. Prepare for cultural differences

Some companies outsource software development remotely, with means working with people from different cultures and time zones, and possibly language barriers as well. But cultural differences don’t only refer to different nationalities – you may encounter different wok cultures when working with a company within your country as well. For example, the software development process and software development life cycle (SLDC) is different for every vendor.

To overcome these challenges, it’s important to establish clear expectations before you begin your project. Be patient, flexible, and open-minded to ensure smooth collaboration.

4. Set realistic expectations

It’s important to set realistic expectations from the start. This includes having a clear understanding of the project timeline and budget. It’s also important to remember that there may be some bumps in the road along the way. By setting realistic expectations from the outset, you’ll be better prepared to manage any challenges that arise.

5. Have a plan for communication and collaboration

Collaboration is key when outsourcing software development. Plan for regular check-ins, video conferences, or project management tools with your outsourced team. By establishing clear communication channels, you can avoid misunderstandings with your chosen software outsourcing company.

6.   Create a project plan and timeline

Creating a project plan and timeline is important to ensure the entire development process is completed on time and to the standard that was agreed upon. This is to avoid any unnecessary delays and complications. So before getting an outsourcing partner, make sure that your project plan will detail the task from start to finish, including milestones, goals, and deliverables.

The timeline will help the outsourcing company to understand the work duration and develop milestones accordingly.

7.   Make a budget and proper payment schedule

Before software development outsourcing, you would want to effectively manage your budget and resources so you know how much you’ll need in advance and you won’t have to worry about scoping for more money just to make the project successful. And if you think that the proposed software development project is just too expensive, you can make the necessary changes right away and not wait for any fiasco to happen.

8.   Make sure you will have access to the project source code

If you want to keep the project in-house, then you’ll need to get the source code from the outsourced software development company. This is so you can make changes to the code or hire software development services to help you in the future. If you don’t have access to the source code, then you’ll be at the mercy of the outsourced software development team you hired temporarily.


Outsourcing software development can save you time and money, but only if it’s done correctly. To avoid any problems, be sure to do your research, set realistic expectations, and have a plan in place for communication and collaboration. By following these tips, you can outsource software development with confidence and peace of mind.

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