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Hiring managers’ guide to Sage accounting and financial consultants

Choosing the right Sage software for your company’s accounting and financial management needs marks a significant step towards streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency.

However, the effectiveness of this software significantly depends on the expertise of specialized consultants responsible for its implementation and ongoing management.

Hiring managers face the challenge of identifying, recruiting, and working with Sage accounting and financial consultants who can fully leverage the capabilities of these software solutions to fulfill business needs.

This guide simplifies the process, providing insights into the key qualities of Sage consultants and strategies for finding and engaging with these professionals effectively.

Sage 50cloud Accounting

Sage 50 cloud Accounting is a top choice for small businesses looking for a robust accounting solution.

This software blends the solid performance of desktop software with the modern accessibility of cloud features.

Small businesses benefit from its comprehensive toolset, which includes invoicing, monitoring cash flow, and managing inventory.

The software’s ability to integrate with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Azure steps up its game, offering a smooth workflow with familiar business tools and secure cloud access.

Consultant expertise needed

For a successful Sage 50cloud Accounting setup, you need a Sage 50 consultant who knows the ins and outs of accounting and can match the software’s capabilities to your business’s financial operations. Here’s what to look for:

  • Deep knowledge of accounting: The consultant should have a strong foundation in accounting principles to ensure your financial data is accurate and compliant.
  • Experience with Sage 50cloud Accounting: They need hands-on experience with this specific software, including setting it up, customizing it to fit a business’s needs, and troubleshooting any issues that arise.
  • Skill in data migration: Moving financial data to Sage 50cloud Accounting from another system can be complex. The right consultant will have a proven track record of successful data migrations to cloud-based systems.
  • Expertise in Microsoft 365 and Azure integration: Integrating Sage 50cloud with these platforms can significantly enhance your accounting processes. Look for someone who can:
    • Seamlessly connect Sage 50cloud Accounting with Microsoft 365 for improved productivity.
    • Use Microsoft Azure to ensure your financial data is secure and accessible from anywhere, at any time.
  • Training and support: After setting up Sage 50cloud Accounting, your finance team will need to know how to use it effectively. The consultant should offer comprehensive training and be available to provide ongoing support.

Finding a consultant with these specific skills will help you get the most out of Sage 50cloud Accounting, allowing you to focus on growing your business while keeping your finances in check.

Sage Intacct

Sage Intacct stands out for its advanced cloud financial management capabilities, making it a favorite among mid-sized to large enterprises.

This platform excels in delivering real-time financial and operational insights, automating essential financial processes, and offering extensive customization to meet the complex needs of businesses.

Its strength lies in providing a comprehensive view of an organization’s financial health, enabling strategic decision-making and streamlined operations.

Consultant expertise needed

A successful implementation demands a Sage Intacct consultant with specialized knowledge and experience. Here’s a detailed look at the expertise required:

  • Specialized in cloud financial management: The consultant should have a deep understanding of cloud-based financial systems, with specific expertise in Sage Intacct. This includes knowledge of its core modules, advanced functionalities, and industry-specific solutions.
  • Proven track record with Sage Intacct: Look for someone with a history of successful implementations, who can navigate the software’s extensive features to tailor it into the best solution for your business.
  • Integration skills: The effectiveness of Sage Intacct is greatly amplified through its integration with key business systems. A consultant proficient in executing Sage Intacct Salesforce integration, or linking Sage Intacct with various ERP and business intelligence tools, is pivotal in optimizing operational efficiency and ensuring data consistency across platforms.
  • Customization and automation: The ability to customize workflows, reports, and dashboards is key to adapting Sage Intacct to your business processes. The right consultant will know how to automate financial operations to save time, reduce errors, and provide actionable insights.
  • Strategic financial guidance: Beyond technical skills, the consultant should offer strategic advice on using Sage Intacct to support business growth, improve financial visibility, and make informed decisions.
  • Training and user adoption: Ensuring your team is proficient with Sage Intacct is essential. The consultant should provide effective training and support to facilitate smooth user adoption and maximize the benefits of your investment.

Finding a consultant with this blend of technical proficiency and strategic insight will ensure your Sage Intacct implementation not only meets your current financial management needs but also scales with your business over time.

Sage 100cloud

Sage 100, rebranded to Sage 100cloud, is a versatile ERP solution designed for small to mid-sized businesses looking to streamline operations, manage finances, inventory, and more, all within a single platform.

This solution is part of the Sage Business Cloud, offering the flexibility and scalability businesses need to adapt and grow.

With its integration capabilities, including cloud connectivity through the Sage Partner Cloud, Sage 100cloud ensures businesses can operate efficiently and securely, leveraging the cloud’s power while maintaining the software’s functionality.

Consultant expertise needed

To get Sage 100cloud up and running effectively, you need a consultant with a specific set of skills:

  • Expertise in Sage 100cloud software: Knowledge of the software’s modules, from accounting and finance to inventory and sales management, is essential. The Sage 100 consultant should understand how to leverage Sage 100cloud to streamline business operations.
  • Experience with cloud migration and Sage Partner Cloud: Given the shift towards cloud-based solutions, a consultant experienced in migrating data and systems to the cloud, particularly using the Sage Partner Cloud for hosting Sage 100cloud, is invaluable. This ensures secure, scalable, and flexible access to your ERP system.
  • Integration capabilities: The ability to integrate Sage 100cloud with other critical business systems, such as CRM platforms and industry-specific applications, enhances efficiency and data accuracy. A consultant skilled in creating seamless integrations can significantly improve workflow and information sharing across departments.
  • Customization and optimization: Every business has unique needs. A consultant who can customize Sage 100cloud to fit these specific requirements, optimizing workflows and reports for better decision-making, is crucial.
  • Training and support: Transitioning to a new ERP system can be challenging. A consultant who provides comprehensive training and ongoing support ensures your team can make the most of Sage 100cloud’s features, improving adoption and productivity.

Sage X3

Sage X3 is an advanced ERP solution designed for medium to large businesses that require a comprehensive, integrated approach to managing finance, supply chain, manufacturing, and operations.

Known for its flexibility, Sage X3 supports complex processes and multi-site, international operations, making it a key component of the Sage Business Cloud portfolio.

With features for easy access and navigation, businesses can manage their operations more efficiently and effectively.

Consultant expertise needed

Implementing Sage X3 successfully requires a consultant with deep knowledge and experience:

  • Specialization in Sage X3: A thorough understanding of Sage X3’s capabilities, including its finance, distribution, and manufacturing modules, is necessary. The consultant should know how to harness the full potential of Sage X3 to support complex, global business operations.
  • Global business and compliance knowledge: For companies operating internationally, expertise in managing multi-currency, multi-language, and compliance with various international tax regulations and reporting requirements is essential. A consultant with global experience can ensure Sage X3 supports international growth seamlessly.
  • Advanced integration skills: The power of Sage X3 is amplified when integrated with other business systems, such as CRM, BI tools, and third-party applications. A consultant skilled in performing these integrations can create a unified, efficient system that spans all areas of your business.
  • Customization for industry-specific needs: Sage X3 is highly customizable, which is critical for meeting the unique requirements of different industries. A consultant who can tailor Sage X3 to fit your business’s specific needs, from manufacturing workflows to supply chain management, adds significant value.
  • Strategic planning and training: Beyond technical expertise, a consultant should assist with strategic planning to leverage Sage X3 in driving business growth. Additionally, providing effective training and resources ensures your team can utilize Sage X3 to its fullest, enhancing user adoption and operational efficiency.

Finding Sage X3 consultants with these specialized skills for Sage 100cloud and Sage X3 ensures your business leverages the Sage Business Cloud’s full capabilities, supporting your operations today and as you grow in the future.

Need to find the right Sage consultant for your business?

Finding a Sage consultant means looking for someone who knows Sage software well and can match it to how your business works. This involves finding a person who can customize the system to fit your specific needs and budget. The search is detailed and requires careful thought.

Right People Group makes this easier for you. We specialize in connecting businesses with IT consultants skilled in Sage software. Our selection process ensures you find a consultant with the right technical skills and approach to make your project successful.

Choosing Right People Group for your Sage consultant needs offers you:

  • Efficient matching: We aim to find your ideal match quickly, saving you time.
  • Skilled consultants: We provide professionals experienced in Sage software, ensuring they have the knowledge and experience your project needs.
  • Customized approach: We understand every business is unique. Our service finds you a consultant who knows your specific requirements and can deliver solutions just for you.

Contact Right People Group today to find a Sage consultant who can help optimize your business processes with expertise and a tailored approach.


Choosing the right Sage consultant ensures your business not only meets its current needs but also secures a partner for growth and efficiency. This decision marks a pivotal point in leveraging technology to enhance your operations and strategic goals. With the ideal consultant, Sage software transforms from a system into a solution, driving your business forward. The effort to find this match is an investment in business continuity and your company’s future success.

Contact Henrik Arent

Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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“Our needs were very specific and we expected that they would be difficult to solve. Yet, shortly after we contacted Right People they delivered a top consultant at a fair price. It has worked perfectly.”

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