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Key tips for choosing reliable and skilled SAP consultants

Picking the right SAP consultant is a significant step for any business looking to leverage SAP software and systems.

These experts play a key role in integrating SAP solutions with your existing processes. They need to understand the specific challenges and requirements of your business to ensure the SAP system enhances, rather than disrupts, your workflow.

The following seven tips will help ensure you help you find the right SAP consultant.

Define your business objectives

What’s your endgame? Maybe you’re aiming to boost customer relationship management or make data processing more efficient. Your goals will steer you toward the SAP expert you need. If business intelligence is your focus, you’ll want a consultant who’s not only savvy with SAP technologies but also a pro at data analysis.

  • Reverse-engineer from your desired outcome: If improving inventory management is your target, seek an SAP consultant with a track record in enhancing inventory systems in similar industries. Starting with your desired outcome helps you find someone who’s not just skilled in SAP solutions, but has specific experience relevant to your goals.
  • Map your objectives to specific SAP functionalities: SAP consultants vary in their specialties. Identify the SAP functionalities that are important for your business, like customer relationship management or supply chain optimization, and look for a consultant who excels in these areas.
  • Use your objectives to gauge consultant fit: When talking to potential consultants, discuss your objectives and ask about their approach. The right consultant will understand your goals and offer valuable insights, helping you gauge their expertise and fit for your project.

Look for the right SAP expertise

SAP’s a broad field, with consultants specializing in various niches. For tasks like system configuration, a seasoned functional consultant is your best bet, rather than junior SAP consultants. Dig into their past projects. Have they tackled similar challenges? What SAP solutions did they implement?

  • Explore niche expertise: Each consultant should have their specialty. If your project is centered around SAP Basis, for example, aim to find SAP Basis consultants. They bring the focused expertise that can make a real difference in your project.
  • Match project scope with consultant experience: Consider the size and complexity of your project. It’s similar to choosing the right tool for a job. For a large-scale SAP implementation, you’ll need a consultant with a track record in handling big projects. For smaller projects, entry-level SAP consultants might be a better fit.
  • Assess their adaptability to new SAP technologies: SAP is always evolving, introducing new technologies and methods. Your consultant must be quick to adapt to these changes. This flexibility is key to ensuring your SAP systems stay up-to-date and efficient.

Assess technical and analytical skills

It’s not enough to know about SAP software inside out. Your consultant needs to be a problem-solver, someone who can tailor SAP solutions to your unique business processes. They should simplify complex SAP technologies, making them accessible to your team.

  • Evaluate problem-solving scenarios: Ask potential consultants to describe a complex SAP challenge they faced and how they solved it. This will give you insight into their analytical thinking and problem-solving approach.
  • Assess their adaptability to new SAP technologies: Technology evolves rapidly. Ensure your consultant is not only knowledgeable about current SAP systems but also adaptable to new developments and updates in SAP technologies.
  • Look for a balance between technical expertise and business acumen: The ideal SAP consultant should not only have deep technical skills but also understand how these technologies impact and drive business processes. This combination is key to developing SAP solutions that truly benefit your business.

Evaluate background and experience

A consultant’s industry background can shape their approach to SAP solutions. A finance background can be advantageous for financial management systems, while a computer science background is beneficial for technical projects involving software development or solution architecture.

  • Dive into their project history: Look beyond the resume. Ask for specific examples where their SAP consulting background played a key role in the success of a project. This can give you insights into how their experience will add value to your project.
  • Match their expertise with your industry’s nuances: If your industry has specific requirements or regulations, find a consultant whose background aligns with these. For example, in healthcare or banking, a consultant with relevant sector experience will navigate these complexities better.
  • Evaluate their adaptability to new technologies: A consultant’s ability to adapt and learn new modules or systems is crucial. Check if they have a history of updating their skills or tackling projects outside their comfort zone. This shows their capacity to handle the evolving needs of your SAP systems.

Consider training and certifications

SAP training and certifications are signs of a consultant’s dedication to their field. Certified SAP partners, for instance, have verified skills in specific SAP modules or solutions, giving you confidence in their technical skills and SAP knowledge.

  • Check for continuous learning: Look for consultants who regularly update their certifications or engage in ongoing training. This shows they’re keeping pace with the latest SAP technologies and methodologies, which is critical in a rapidly evolving field.
  • Specialization matters: Identify the specific SAP solution or modules relevant to your project and seek consultants with certifications in those areas. This ensures they have the precise expertise you need, rather than a general understanding of SAP systems.
  • Verify authenticity: Don’t just take their word for it. Verify their certifications with the issuing authority or through SAP’s certification directory. This extra step ensures the consultant’s credentials are current and legitimate.

Look out for communication and teamwork skills

SAP consultants should be adept at explaining complex SAP system concepts in simple terms and collaborating well with your team. This ensures a smooth project flow and a better understanding among all stakeholders.

  • Assess communication style during interviews: Pay attention to how candidates explain complex SAP concepts. Are they clear and understandable? This indicates how they’ll communicate during the project.
  • Look for team players: Seek consultants who show evidence of successful teamwork in past projects. Ask for specific examples where their collaboration made a difference.
  • Evaluate adaptability: Choose a consultant who demonstrates flexibility in working with different team dynamics and communication styles. This adaptability is key to integrating effectively with your team.

Check recommendations and reviews

Hearing from others who’ve worked with the consultant or firm can be incredibly helpful. Referrals and online reviews can lead you to SAP consultants who have a reputation for excellence.

  • Engage with your professional network: Reach out to your business contacts, especially those who have recently undertaken similar SAP projects. Their firsthand experiences with an SAP consultant or IT consultancy firm can provide valuable insights that you won’t find in online reviews.
  • Analyze the context of reviews: Look beyond the star ratings. Read the reviews to understand the specific challenges and business environments the SAP consultants worked in. This will help you gauge if their expertise aligns with your business needs and SAP systems.
  • Check for consistent patterns in feedback: Look for recurring themes in reviews and feedback. Consistent positive remarks about a consultant’s approach to complex SAP solutions or their ability to align with business objectives can be a strong indicator of their capability and reliability.

Wrapping up

Choosing the right SAP consultant means finding a partner who can align SAP technologies with your business goals. The ideal consultant combines technical expertise, industry knowledge, and strong interpersonal skills. With these tips, you’re well-equipped to find a consultant who will not only understand your business needs but also help you maximize your SAP systems for optimal business outcomes.

Looking for skilled SAP consultants?

If you need an SAP consultant to guide your project to success, Right People Group is here to help. We’ve been matching businesses with specialized IT and business consultants since 2007. Our consultants are vetted for their expertise and their ability to deliver results affordably.

Get in touch with us, and we’ll find you an SAP consultant who fits your project just right.

Contact Henrik Arent

Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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