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5 advanced technical skills to look for in Android app developers

Android is the most popular operating system in the world — and the result of that is that the Android app landscape is fiercely competitive.

To succeed, companies need exceptionally skilled Android app developers who possess a unique blend of technical expertise and innovative thinking. Experienced developers are the driving force behind innovation and exceptional Android apps.


Android leads as the most popular operating system with a market share of 70.5%.


Finding Android app developers with advanced skills requires a keen eye and a clear understanding of the skills that separate the best from the rest. This article discusses the five core competencies that every experienced Android consultant should have, and how to identify and recruit the ideal candidates for your team.

The 5 advanced technical skills of Android app developers

While basic Android app creation is accessible to many developers, crafting truly exceptional mobile experiences requires a rare blend of expertise.

The best Android app developers have a special mix of advanced technical know-how and a thorough understanding of the Android platform. This combination of advanced Android developer skills allows them to tap into the platform’s full potential.

We’ll explore the five essential skills that these standout developers possess and see how these skills contribute to making groundbreaking apps.


1. Complex API integration and data management

Handling multiple, complex API integrations is a hallmark of an experienced Android developer. They manage large-scale data with efficiency in their Android apps, ensuring smooth performance even when dealing with extensive data from various sources.

To evaluate a developer’s abilities in this area, consider:

  • Diverse API experience: Look for a history of projects where the developer has successfully integrated multiple, varied APIs. This shows their ability to handle complex integration challenges.
  • Data management skills: Assess their experience with large datasets. Have they worked on apps that required pulling, processing, and displaying extensive data? Their approach to optimizing data flow and storage within the app is also crucial.
  • Problem-solving with APIs: Check how they’ve tackled challenges in past projects. Have they found innovative ways to integrate APIs? How have they ensured data consistency and reliability across different sources?
  • Performance optimization: Evaluate their understanding of how API calls and data handling can impact an app’s performance. Look for examples where they’ve optimized data processing to enhance the user experience.

2. Advanced application security measures

With a deep understanding of the latest security threats, these developers implement sophisticated security protocols in their Android applications. They are well-versed in the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) and its security features, ensuring the app and its data are protected against emerging threats.

Android SDK manager
Android SDK manager.


You can recognize these advanced security skills by looking for:

  • Experience with encryption and secure coding practices: Check if the developer has a track record of using encryption to protect data and writing code that guards against common security vulnerabilities.
  • Familiarity with the latest security trends and threats: Look for developers who stay updated on new security risks and the latest methods to protect against them. This often involves continuous learning and adapting to the evolving cybersecurity landscape.

3. Performance optimization in high-demand scenarios

Expert Android developers are adept at optimizing apps for high performance, particularly in demanding scenarios. They employ advanced techniques in Java programming language and other mobile programming languages for memory management, efficient coding, and resource usage.

Here’s what distinguishes their approach to performance optimization:

  • Advanced memory management: They skillfully manage the app’s memory usage to prevent slowdowns or crashes, even under heavy user load.
  • Efficient coding practices: These developers write clean, optimized code that maximizes the app’s speed and responsiveness.
  • Optimal resource utilization: They know how to make the best use of the device’s resources, ensuring the app performs well without draining the battery or overusing the CPU.

For hiring managers looking to identify these skills, consider the following:

  • Proficiency in Java and other programming languages: Look for developers with a strong background in Java, Kotlin, or other relevant languages, and their ability to use these languages to enhance app performance.
  • Experience with performance tools and techniques: Check if the developer is familiar with Android’s performance optimization tools and has a history of applying effective optimization strategies in past projects.
  • Demonstrated ability to handle complex, high-load applications: Seek evidence of their work on apps that have successfully managed high user traffic or data-intensive operations without compromising on performance.

4. In-depth management of application state and lifecycle

Experienced Android developers have a strong ability to manage complex app states and transitions. This skill ensures that apps work well on different Android devices and under various conditions. Here are the key aspects of their expertise:

  • Skillful handling of app states and transitions: They manage how an app responds and behaves during user interactions and system interruptions.
  • Consistent user experience across devices: These developers ensure that the app provides a reliable experience, no matter the device or its operating conditions.

For hiring managers, you can spot a developer with these skills by looking for:

  • Experience in complex state management: Find developers who have a track record of maintaining app performance across different app states.
  • Knowledge in Android lifecycle management: Look for developers who show skill in coding for various lifecycle events, ensuring the app adapts well to changes like screen rotations and system updates. This requires a thorough understanding of the Android lifecycle and the ability to implement strategies effectively for these changes.


5. Use of cutting-edge features and hardware

Experienced Android developers excel in using the latest features and hardware capabilities. They are skilled at using new technologies to build apps that not only meet current standards but also set trends for the future. Here’s what distinguishes their expertise in this area:

  • Innovating with new features: They are skilled at incorporating the newest software features into their apps, making them more efficient, user-friendly, and ahead of the curve.
  • Maximizing hardware capabilities: These developers understand how to make the most of the advanced hardware in modern Android devices, enhancing the app’s performance and user experience.

To identify these abilities, look out for the following:

  • Track record of innovation: Look for developers who have experience working with the latest Android versions and have a history of using new features creatively in their mobile app development projects.
  • Understanding of advanced hardware integration: Check if the developer has experience in integrating complex hardware features, such as advanced sensors, cameras, and GPS technology, into their applications. This often involves a deep understanding of how to optimize these features for the best performance and user experience.


Interviewing and evaluating advanced skills

When interviewing and evaluating candidates for advanced Android app developer roles, hiring managers need to focus on specific areas to accurately assess their expertise. Here’s a guide to help identify those advanced skills during the interview process:

Technical proficiency and problem-solving

  • Scenario-based questions: Present real-world scenarios that require complex problem-solving. Ask how they would handle specific challenges in app development, such as optimizing performance under high user load or integrating multiple APIs. This assesses their ability to create android apps that are both innovative and functional.
  • Code review: If possible, review samples of their previous work in Android Studio. Look for clean, efficient coding practices, and how they’ve implemented advanced features or handled memory management.

Security expertise

  • Discussion on security protocols: Engage them in a conversation about the latest security threats and ask how they’ve implemented security measures in past Android applications. This can reveal their depth of understanding and approach to app security.
  • Case studies: Present hypothetical situations involving security challenges and ask how they would address them using the Android SDK. This can help assess their ability to apply encryption and secure coding practices in real-world scenarios.

Performance optimization

  • Technical deep dive: Ask detailed questions about their approach to optimizing app performance, including their proficiency in the Java programming language and other programming languages. This includes queries on memory management, efficient use of resources, and handling high-demand scenarios.
  • Past project analysis: Discuss specific instances where they improved an app’s performance. What strategies did they use? How did they measure improvements?

Lifecycle management

  • Lifecycle management scenarios: Provide scenarios that involve managing the app’s state and lifecycle. How do they ensure a consistent user experience across different Android devices and operating conditions?
  • Problem-solving skills: Ask about challenges they’ve faced related to state management and lifecycle events in Android app development, and how they overcame them.

Innovation and use of cutting-edge technologies

  • Discussion on latest trends: Talk about the latest trends in Android development and ask for their opinions. This can reveal how updated they are with current technologies.
  • Project examples: Ask them to discuss projects where they used new features or hardware capabilities of Android devices. How did these implementations enhance the app?

Evaluating soft skills

  • Communication: Pay attention to how they explain technical concepts. Are they clear and concise? Can they explain complex ideas in an understandable way?
  • Collaboration and teamwork: Discuss how they’ve worked with teams in the past. What was their role in collaborative projects? How do they handle conflicts or differences in opinion?

Practical assessments

  • Technical tests: Consider giving a practical test that involves writing code in Android Studio or designing a system architecture. This can provide direct insight into their technical skills.
  • Mock project planning: Give them a brief for a hypothetical project and ask them to outline their approach. This can show their planning, strategic thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

Need an experienced freelance Android app developer?

Choosing the best Android app development consultant involves a few key steps. It’s about finding someone with the right Android skills, understanding if they can meet your business needs, and ensuring they’re affordable for your budget.

Since 2007, Right People Group has been connecting businesses with highly skilled IT consultants, including mobile app development consultants. Businesses trust us for sourcing IT and business consultants because we focus on making their search efficient and effective.

Here’s what you can expect from us:

  • Quick matching: We understand the importance of your time, so we aim to connect you with the right consultant quickly.
  • Quality assurance: The consultants we connect you with are not only skilled, but they are also among the best in their field. Find out more about our selection process.
  • Personalized approach: We recognize every project is unique, so we match you with consultants who understand and align with your specific project requirements.

Ready to find your ideal Android app development consultant? Reach out to us today and start your search with confidence.


The abilities of experienced Android developers go beyond basic app creation. Hiring developers with these advanced Android app development skills is key for businesses to build better, safer, and more efficient apps. Their expertise leads to faster and higher-quality development, keeping companies ahead in a competitive market. The growing demand for such skilled developers highlights their importance in today’s tech-driven business landscape.

Contact Henrik Arent

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