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What is an applicant tracking system (ATS)?

With an applicant tracking system (ATS), large companies can speed up, streamline, and automate their hiring process. When you submit your resume, the ATS acts as a gatekeeper, deciding whether to pass your application to the hiring manager or eliminate it. If your resume is eliminated, it can be frustrating not knowing why.

This guide will introduce you to applicant tracking systems and how they work. You’ll learn about the benefits for businesses and job seekers, features, and downsides. Let’s get started.

What is an applicant tracking system?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a software application that enables the electronic handling of recruitment needs. It can be used by businesses from all industries but is most commonly utilized by corporations with high volumes of applicants. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, an ATS can speed up and simplify the recruitment process for employers and job seekers.

It can post job openings on a company website or job board, screen resumes, track applicants, and schedule interviews. Some applicant tracking systems can also interface with social media sites like LinkedIn, making it easier for employers to find and contact potential candidates.

How does an ATS work?

The steps that an ATS takes to help recruiters find the best candidates for a job are:

  • Data storage: The first step is data storage. An ATS will store all of the information related to each job seeker in a central database. This includes resumes, contact information, work history, and other relevant data.
  • Pre-screening: Once all of the data has been collected, the ATS will pre-screen candidates based on certain criteria set by the employer. This might include things like minimum qualifications or specific keywords that are related to the job.
  • Automatic rankings against job descriptions: The ATS will automatically rank candidates based on how well their qualifications match the job description.
  • Resume scoring through keyword searches: Finally, the ATS will score each resume based on how often certain keywords appear. This helps to identify which candidates are the best fit for the job.

Benefits of using ATS for businesses

Some of the benefits of using an Applicant Tracking System for businesses are as follows:

  • Automation: It can help to automate and streamline the recruitment process for businesses, saving time and money. With an ATS, businesses can automatically post job openings online, screen and track applicants, and schedule interviews.
  • Improved organization: An ATS can help to organize and keep track of applicant information more efficiently than traditional methods such as paper applications and spreadsheets. This improved organization can make finding the best candidates for a position easier.
  • Increased efficiency: Improve the efficiency of your recruitment process by using an ATS to automate tasks such as job postings, applicant screening, and interview scheduling. This can save businesses time and money.
  • Improved quality of hires: By using an ATS to screen applicants more thoroughly, businesses can improve the quality of their hires. An ATS can help to identify the best candidates for a position by screening for skills, experience, and other qualifications.
  • Greater access to candidates: The businesses can reach a larger pool of candidates. It can post job openings on multiple job boards and websites with a button. This allows businesses to cast a wider net when searching for candidates.
  • Reduced time-to-hire: Reduce the time to hire by automating the recruitment process. This can save businesses time and money and help them to fill positions faster.
  • Improved customer service: An ATS can improve customer service by providing a self-service portal for applicants. This allows applicants to check the status of their applications, view job openings, and submit questions electronically.

How hiring managers can use an ATS to their advantage

When it comes to hiring, using an applicant tracking system (ATS) can be a major advantage. By automating and streamlining the hiring process, an ATS can help you save time and resources while also improving the quality of your hires.

Here are a few tips for how you can use an ATS to your advantage:

  1. Use keyword optimization to ensure your job postings are being seen by the right candidates.
  2. Use Boolean searches to find the best-fit candidates for your open positions.
  3. Take advantage of resume parsing to quickly and easily identify key information about candidates.
  4. Use assessment tools to screen candidates and identify those who are the best fit for your open positions.
  5. Use reference-checking tools to quickly and easily gather information about candidates from their references.
  6. Use interview scheduling tools to save time when coordinating interviews with candidates.

Downsides of using ATS for candidates and businesses

For job seekers, the biggest downside of using applicant tracking software is that it can be difficult to get your resume noticed. With so many resumes to choose from, employers often rely on applicant tracking systems to help them narrow down the field. That means if your resume isn’t formatted for ATS systems, it could be automatically rejected without ever being seen by a human being.

For businesses, the downside is that it can be expensive and time-consuming to set up and maintain. ATS software can be complex, and it takes a significant investment of resources to get it up and running properly. Additionally, because applicant tracking systems are designed to automate the hiring process, there is a risk that qualified candidates may be overlooked if their resumes don’t contain the right keywords during the recruiting process.


An applicant tracking system is important for any business that recruits and hires new employees. It can help save time and resources while ensuring that the best candidates are being considered for open positions by automating tracking and managing job applicants. While several different options are on the market, they all share the same basic goal of streamlining the hiring process. If you’re considering implementing an ATS in your business, be sure to do your research to find the right fit for your needs.

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