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What is a GIS consultant? (And why your business needs one)

So, you’ve heard about geographic information system (GIS) technology and perhaps you’ve come across the term “GIS consultant”. But what exactly does a GIS consultant do?

A GIS consultant, in essence, is a professional who offers expertise in geographic information systems, commonly known as GIS. It’s a highly specialized field that revolves around analyzing location-based datasets. Think of it as using maps and data to understand and solve problems.

What is GIS?

GIS is like a mix of looking at maps and studying data.

Example data from GIS mapping. Source.

It takes info from places like pictures from space, maps, and other location info to make easy-to-see pictures or maps.

These maps help businesses and groups make choices, plan things, and manage their work.

The role of a GIS consultant

A GIS consultant helps businesses use mapping and location technology. They offer advice on how to best use GIS in areas like city planning, transportation, and environmental care. Here’s a simple breakdown of what they do:

  1. Collecting and looking at data: They gather location data, study it, and turn it into useful insights.

  2. Making GIS maps: They design maps that show this data, such as maps showcasing roads, how cities are growing, or areas rich in natural resources.

  3. Using GIS software: Consultants are skilled in using special software and tools that fit a business’s specific needs.

  4. Personalized advice: Every project is different, so they offer guidance tailored to each client’s situation.

  5. Keeping up with changes: GIS is always evolving. A top GIS consultant stays updated on the latest tools and techniques.

Why hire a GIS consultant?

Thinking about using GIS consultancy services for your business? Here’s how they can help:

  1. They know a lot: A GIS project can be tricky. With a GIS consulting service, you get someone who really understands it, so you don’t have to.

  2. Help with decisions: They use maps and GIS data to help your business make good choices for the future.

  3. Save money: Instead of having a full-time person, you can bring in a consultant just for specific tasks or projects.

  4. Step-by-step support: They’ll help you from the beginning of a project right to the end, making sure things go right.

So, if you want to use GIS in your business but aren’t sure how, GIS consulting services might be just what you need. They bring expertise without a big commitment.

Industries that benefit from using GIS

Just about any kind of business can find ways to use GIS to its advantage. It’s not just for big companies in transport or city planning. Even smaller projects in different fields can get a lot from working with GIS consultants.

Let’s look at a few places where GIS can really make a difference:

  1. Retail: Stores can use GIS to find the best places to open new shops. They can look at maps and data to understand where their customers are and what areas are growing.

  2. Real estate: People who sell houses can use GIS apps to show buyers all the details about a neighborhood, including the nearby schools and parks, right from their smartphones.

  3. Healthcare: Hospitals and health centers can use GIS web and mobile apps to find out where people need more health services. It helps them plan where to build new buildings or offer new services.

  4. Transportation: From planning new roads to managing traffic, GIS helps in keeping things moving smoothly and safely.

  5. Environment: Groups looking after the environment can use GIS to keep track of changes in nature and work out the best ways to protect it.

In reality, GIS technology has the potential to help many more businesses. Check if your industry is on our list.

Related: GIS in urban planning: How this tech is shaping the future of city building

Top 5 tips for hiring the right GIS consultant for your business

Finding the perfect GIS consultant can seem like a big task, especially when your project’s success depends on their skills. Here’s a guide to help you make the best choice:

1. Understand your specific needs:

Before starting your search, know exactly what you need. Is it data analysis, mapping, or maybe GIS software development? Being clear about this will help you find the right person and explain your project to them.

2. Lean on recommendations:

Asking others is always a good idea. Talk to people in your industry, go to GIS events, or join online groups. Hearing about other people’s experiences can really help you decide.

3. Experience and portfolio examination:

Looking at what they’ve done before can give you a good idea of what they’ll do for you. Check out their past work. Have they done things that are similar to your project? Their past projects can tell you a lot about their skills.

4. Open and effective communication:

It’s important to find someone who can explain things well. They should be able to talk about complex GIS stuff in a way that makes sense to you.

5. Always discuss the financials:

Money talks are important. Understand how they charge, whether it’s a set fee, by the hour, or based on the project. And remember, the cheapest option might not be the best. Think about the value they bring and if they fit your budget.

These tips should give you a good starting point, but always think about what feels right for you and your business. The best consultants are those who not only have the skills but also work well with you and your team.

Need a GIS consultant?

At Right People Group, we pride ourselves on matching businesses with top-notch GIS consultants. We’re here to help you team up with professionals who don’t just know GIS inside out but also truly understand your business goals. Get in touch with us today.


A GIS consultant plays a pivotal role in merging technology and knowledge to provide effective solutions. Whether it’s through data analysis, mapping, or providing expertise on the latest GIS trends, these consultants are instrumental in shaping a future where businesses operate with a clearer, data-driven perspective. If you’re considering diving into a project that involves location-based data or mapping, reaching out to a reputable gis consulting firm could be the best move for your business.

Contact Henrik Arent

Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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