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Project controller

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    Contact Right People Group now for a project controller – you get:

    • Project controlling experts who can work remotely or onsite with you
    • Thorough selection of the best project controller to fit your project
    • Attractive rates for our skilled project controlling experts
    • Free offer within 4 hours

    Successful projects with the help of a project controller

    A project controller is an important member of any project team. Project controllers perform many key tasks and functions, such as maintaining budget, overseeing expenditures and project revenues and analysing financial data pertaining to the project. These skilled professionals work hand in hand with the project manager to develop and carry out project goals and objectives.

    A project controller hard at work at your company 

    Project controllers are experts at managing the financial aspects of any project. We have seen our professionals perform valuable functions that kept our client’s projects on track. In addition, many companies have benefitted from our project controller’s skills in project research, which they were then able to transfer to future projects.

    We believe project controller positions call for an individiual with excellent communication skills who is able to evaluate and determine both long and short term project-based financial and budget goals. In addition, these professionals are also able to tackle and effectively deal with any hiccups or issues arising at any point during the project’s duration.

    In our experience, these highly skilled professionals often come equipped with extensive knowledge of relevant accounting and spreadsheet preparation software as well as budgeting tools useful to get the job done and ensure efficient progress.

    The benefits of a project controller

    In our experience, choosing to work with a project controller makes sense for many businesses. The professionals in our network have experience working on projects in a wide range of industries. They can be strategically placed and provide outside knowledge and insight that can be invaluable to your organisation.

    Since they work as an outside consultant, they can offer a fresh, unbiased approach to your company’s bring and, when needed, come equipped with industry specific knowledge. Depending on your needs, our project controller can be placed either on-site at your business or work remotely for as long as you need them.

    If you are looking for a project controller, please contact us with a detailed description of your particular needs at this time. We will then get back to your with a free offer within hours.

    At Right Group People, we strive to match you with the best candidate at very attractive rates. Following our no-cure, no-pay policy, you will not be charged unless you decide to take on one of our highly qualified consultants.

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    Related roles

    Contact Henrik Arent

    Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

    Satisfied customers


    “Our needs were very specific and we expected that they would be difficult to solve. Yet, shortly after we contacted Right People they delivered a top consultant at a fair price. It has worked perfectly.”

    Tue Ansvig, Head of Department, eBay

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