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.NET MVC developer

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Let us know what you are looking for and receive CVs of 2-3 independent contractors with skills that match your needs.

    Contact Right People Group now for .NET MVC developers – you get:

    • .NET MVC developers who can work remotely or onsite with you
    • Thorough selection of the best .NET MVC developers
    • Attractive rates for skilled .NET MVC developers
    • Free offer within 4 hours

    .NET MVC developer at work

    A .NET MVC developer professionally masters development in MVC which is one of the three ASP.NET programming models. It is based on a division of three components, which are “model” (ex. The database), “views” (the visual elements) and “controller” (the logic build into classes). With MVC you have complete control of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it functions as an easier alternative to the traditional ASP.NET.

    The independent .NET MVC developers in our network have gained a high level of skill within this field and can combine it with other technologies like Microsoft Azure.

    .NET MVC developers for your project

    Here at Right People Group, we have been operating with freelance consultants for over ten years and we can see that the trend for using flexible labor with expert skills is increasing. All of our developers who specialize in the development of .NET MVC can work onsite or remote depending on what your project requires. It is the duration of the project that determines how long the consultant must be associated, in this way we ensure that you only pay for real working hours that your .NET MVC developer puts into your project.

    We believe that our unique business model has been decisive in our success. When you associate one of our freelancers with your project, you are always serviced by the same consultant manager. This person represents all parts of the recruitment process and updates both parties along the way so that important information is not lost. At the same time, your dedicated consultant manager acts as a sparring partner and reconciles all expectations between you and a potential .NET MVC developer focusing on both professional qualifications and the softer values. In that way, you get a .NET developer who matches your team and can deliver the best results on your project.

    If you need a .NET MVC developer for your project, please get in touch to see what specific profiles we can offer at no obligation.

    Do you need a .NET MVC expert?

    We are very happy and proud of our many repeat customers. It is a sign of a healthy business and that we deliver what the market demands. We always provide freelance consultants in an efficient manner and at a competitive price.

    At Right People Group, we have contractors who have a great deal of experience in MVC, and who are very skilled and effective as software developers. If you need a .NET MVC developer then contact us today and get a free offer right away.

    Go to contact form

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    Contact Henrik Arent

    Henrik is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

    Satisfied customers


    “Our needs were very specific and we expected that they would be difficult to solve. Yet, shortly after we contacted Right People they delivered a top consultant at a fair price. It has worked perfectly.”

    Tue Ansvig, Head of Department, eBay

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