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7 ways to build strong relationships with independent contractors

Hiring independent contractors can be a great way to get quality work while maintaining flexibility.

Businesses that have strong relationships with the independent contractors they worked with often report higher satisfaction with the work received, as well as a more amicable and communicative working relationship. Additionally, when a business has an independent contractor relationship that is pleasant, the independent contractor is likely to be more willing to work with that business again in the future, and may even recommend the business to others.

Managing independent contractor relationships can be tricky as every independent contractor is different. But there are a few key things you can do successfully manage independent contractor relationships with the independent contractors you work with.

We outline the best ways you can ensure that your work relationship is strong, communicative, and mutually beneficial below.

1. Be clear about your expectations

One of the most important things you can do to set the tone for a strong working relationship with an independent contractor is to be clear about your expectations from the outset. When you first reach out to a potential contractor, take the time to explain project details and exactly what you are looking for in as much detail as possible. This will help the contractor understand your needs and provide you with exactly what you need.

It is also important to be clear about your budget, timeline, and any other key details that may affect the scope of work. A service provider will need this information to accurately assess whether they can take on your project and to give you an accurate quote for their services.

2. Communicate regularly

After you have hired an independent contractor, it is important to maintain regular communication throughout the duration of the project. This will help ensure that both parties are on the same page and that any potential problems are caught early on.

If possible, set up weekly or bi-weekly check-in calls or meetings to touch base on the project’s progress. These check-ins can be used to discuss any concerns, ask questions, and give feedback. It is also a good opportunity to provide any additional information or resources in addition to their own tools that the contractor may need.

3. Pay promptly

One of the best ways to show that you value an independent contractor’s work is to pay them promptly. As self-employed small business owners, independent consultants are more likely to have to deal with irregular income, which can be a pain. Don’t forget that independent contractors have things like daily expenses, health insurance, and business expenses to take care of. As such, they appreciate being paid in a timely manner.

Make sure to agree on a payment schedule upfront and then stick to it. If you are able, set up a system where payments are automatically processed soon after the contractor submits their invoices. This way, they don’t have to chase you for payment. If there are any delays in payment, be sure to communicate this to the contractor as soon as possible.

4. Give honest feedback

Giving honest and constructive feedback is crucial to maintaining a strong working relationship with an independent contractor. Feedback helps the contractor understand your expectations and allows them to adjust their work accordingly. It also shows that you are paying attention to the work they are doing and care about the quality of the final product.

When giving feedback, always aim to be clear, concise, and specific. Avoid general comments or making assumptions about the contractor’s understanding of the project. If possible, provide examples to illustrate your points. And always be respectful in your delivery.

5. Respect their time

One of the best ways to show respect for an independent contractor is to respect their time. Keep in mind that they are running their own business and likely have other clients and commitments. As such, try to avoid last-minute changes or requests whenever possible.

If you do need to make a change or ask for something outside of the scope of work, give the contractor as much notice as possible. This will allow them to adjust their schedule and ensure that they can still deliver quality work on time.

6. Be flexible

Working with an independent contractor often requires a certain level of flexibility on your part. Things rarely go exactly as planned, and there will likely be some bumps along the way. Instead of getting frustrated, try to be understanding and adaptable.

For example, if the contractor needs more time to complete the project, see if there is any way you can adjust your timeline. If they are having trouble meeting your expectations, try to have an open and honest conversation about what isn’t working and how you can fix it. By being flexible, you can help avoid unnecessary stress and conflict.

7. Be a good client

Just as you expect the contractor to be professional and deliver quality work, they also expect the same from you. Be respectful of their time, honest in your feedback, and reasonable in your requests. Pay attention to the details of the project and provide all the information and resources that the contractor needs.

If you are a good client, the contractor will be more likely to go above and beyond to deliver quality work. They will also be more likely to want to work with you again in the future.

8. Show your appreciation

Last but not least, don’t forget to show your appreciation for the contractor’s hard work. A simple “thank you” can go a long way. You can also write them a positive review or testimonial, or recommend them to your friends and colleagues.

By taking the time to show your appreciation, you will not only make the contractor feel good, but you will also strengthen your relationship. They will be more likely to want to work with you again in the future and will be more invested in delivering quality work.


Building strong relationships with independent contractors is essential to ensuring a successful project. By following these tips, you can develop a good working rapport with your contractor and set the foundation for a long and productive partnership.

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