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Liferay developer

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    Expert Liferay Developer from Right People Group

    Need a skilled Liferay developer for your team? Tell us what you need and we'll send you CVs of 2-3 freelance developers who know Liferay well. These developers use their knowledge to make good software solutions for your projects.

    What to expect from a Liferay developer

    Liferay developers are good at building and changing web portals, connecting Liferay with other systems, and making new applications in Liferay. They use their knowledge of Java, web technologies, and Liferay's API to do their work.

    At Right People Group, we connect you with experienced Liferay developers who can:

    • Develop and deploy web portals: Create personal and interesting user experiences.
    • Integrate Liferay with existing systems: Make sure your Liferay solution works well with your current tools.
    • Change Liferay's functions and design: Make the platform match your unique brand.
    • Give ongoing support and maintenance: Make performance better and keep your Liferay solution working well.

    What makes a good Liferay developer?

    A good Liferay developer knows Java well, understands the Liferay platform deeply, and can solve problems. They can work alone or with a team to deliver solutions.

    Right People Group finds developers who have:

    • Technical skills: Knowledge in Java, web technologies, and Liferay API.
    • Problem-solving: Ability to find and fix technical issues quickly.
    • Communication: Good communication skills to work well with teams.

    Benefits of hiring a Liferay developer

    Hiring a Liferay developer for your project has several good points, including faster development, access to special knowledge, and less costs compared to hiring a full-time employee.

    Right People Group makes hiring easier, allowing you to quickly get a Liferay expert for your:

    • Short-term projects: Get focused expertise for a specific time.
    • Long-term assignments: Get consistent support for ongoing Liferay development.
    • Specific skill needs: Find developers with the exact skills your project needs.

    Liferay expertise

    Whether your project needs to connect existing systems with Liferay, migrate from another platform, or build a solution from start, we can connect you with the right developers to do the job.

    Our freelance Liferay developers have experience in:

    • Liferay DXP and Portal: Knowledge of the newest versions of Liferay platform.
    • Frontend Development: Making responsive and engaging user interfaces.
    • Backend Development: Developing strong and scalable web applications.

    Custom solutions for your project

    We know each project has unique needs and timelines. We offer flexible ways to work that match your specific needs, whether you need a developer for short-term support or long-term development.

    Right People Group offers:

    • Remote or on-site developers: Choose the work arrangement that fits your team best.
    • Flexibility to change your team size: Change the size of your development team as needed.
    • Focus on your main business: Let your internal team focus on important tasks.

    How to get started

    Ready to start with a Liferay contractor? Just give us your project details and we'll find developers whose skills and availability match your needs. We'll then introduce you to the selected developers so you can choose the best fit for your project.

    What is Liferay?

    Liferay is an open-source platform used for building digital experiences, like websites, intranets, and portals. It's built using Java and uses a modular architecture, allowing developers to extend its main functions and adjust the platform to different business needs.

    Liferay is good at:

    • Creating portals: Connects people with information, applications, and resources through a single gateway.
    • Content management: Provides strong tools for creating, managing, and delivering content across multiple channels.
    • Collaboration: Helps communication and collaboration among teams through forums, wikis, and document sharing.
    • Integration: Connects easily with existing systems such as CRM, ERP, and marketing automation tools.

    Liferay's flexibility and customization options make it a solution for organizations of all sizes. Right People Group can help you use Liferay to create effective solutions that meet your specific needs.

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    Contact Philip Scott Lind

    Philip is always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

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