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Logo Right People Group

10 fattori chiave per un outsourcing IT offshore di successo

Price Model

Our pricing

Our service of helping you find the ideal consultant for your project is free of charge, with no obligations. 

Right People Group only charges you if you hire one of the consultants we present. 

Our prices are low for the quality we deliver. This is partly because our business model is efficient. It’s also because we always deliver the best solution in the market in terms of quality and price. 


Our selection process

How we select your consultants

Here’s how we get you the right consultant.

Step 1

Focus on goals

We create anonymous job descriptions to attract applicants who are focused on project goals and objectives. 

Step 2

Maximize reach

We search through our network of segmented databases and referrals, and conduct searches on recruitment platforms and marketplaces.

Step 3 


We filter through potential candidates to find consultants with qualifications and experience that match your expectations.

We also look for patterns that indicate high performance, such as long-term relationships and repeat projects.

Step 4 


We interview candidates to ensure that the candidate’s skills and personality will be the right fit for you. 

Step 5


We handpick and deliver profiles of the best candidates.

 In case a consultant goes sick or doesn’t work out, we find a replacement right away.

Read more about our selection process

Are you a consultant?

Are you a consultant?

Sign up to join our consultant network. 

We’ll email you projects that are relevant to your profile as soon as they become available.

Sign up now

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Contatto Sebastiano Piccinno

Sebastiano è sempre disponibile a discutere delle vostre esigenze specifiche. È in grado di fornirvi rapidamente un quadro preciso della soluzione che possiamo offrire per soddisfare le vostre esigenze.

I nostri clienti


“Right People Group ci ha aiutato a stabilire un ambiente di test simile a quello già esistente per i nostri test funzionali; il Team è stato molto efficiente e ha trovato rapidamente la persona giusta per i nostri bisogni. Sono stati semplicemente impressionanti, grazie per la serietà e la capacità di risposta.”

Jesus Gonzalez Alvarez, Responsabile del prodotto, Schneider Electric

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Logo Right People Group