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Network consultant

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Let us know what you are looking for and receive CVs of 2-3 independent contractors with skills that match your needs.

    Contact Right People Group now for Network consultants – you get:

    • Network consultants who can work remotely or onsite with you
    • Thorough selection of the best Networks consultants to fit your project
    • Attractive rates for skilled Network consultants
    • Free offer within 4 hours

    It’s all about good network!

    Intranet, Extranet, Internetwork, Internet, even personal network – in today’s world, networks are everywhere. Everything and everyone is connected. And with networks come the topics of network interface, network security, wireless/wired technology, etc. There is a lot to plan and you want to make sure your organization’s network is efficient and effective.

    What Network consultants can do for you

    You can hire a contractor to build a network from scratch or update your existing network. It is also up to your needs whether the network consultant should ‘only’ prepare a list of recommendations or if he should be the one assisting in the actual creation and maintenance of the network. Our job is to evaluate your needs and find the best suitable candidate. Read more about common network tasks or call us right away.

    Go to contact form

    Related roles

    Contact Søren Rosenmeier

    Sørenis always open to discuss your specific needs. He can quickly give you an accurate picture of the solution we can deliver to meet your needs.

    Satisfied customers


    “Our needs were very specific and we expected that they would be difficult to solve. Yet, shortly after we contacted Right People they delivered a top consultant at a fair price. It has worked perfectly.”

    Tue Ansvig, Head of Department, eBay

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