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Consultant Task – IAM Consultant, Copenhagen area (03.09.2024)

For a client in the insurance business, we are looking for an expert in privileged access management and PAM tools to provide guidance and recommendations for the strategy which the client is in the process of defining. 
The intention is to a wide extend that privileged access should be time restricted and only granted on a need basis. The PAM tool CyberArk has been deployed and has been with limited success in IT operations, so main focal points and tasks for the consultant will be to analyse the way privileged access management is controlled today, including current AD setup, two account tiering, processes, segregation of duties (SoD) and the use of CyberArk, including how to correctly configure the tool to make it easy for the users.

Location: Copenhagen area
Workload: 100 %
Start: 16.09.2024
Duration: 11.10.2024
Language: Danish and English

Your qualifications
We are looking for a consultant with as many of the following competencies:

- Documented experience and knowledge from the insurance industry on best practice for processes and tools for controlling privileged access management
- Experience and knowledge about how to implement SoD roles integrated in the processes for privileged access management
- Experience and knowledge with PAM tools, especially CyberArk.

Are you interested?
If you have the right qualifications please forward your resume to Camilla Bundgaard at cbu+348@rightpeoplegroup.com

Or even better apply via our Onsiter platform, where you can also receive projects from other customers:
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Kontakt Philip Scott Lind

Philip er altid åben for at diskutere dine specifikke behov. Han kan hurtigt give dig et præcist billede af den løsning, vi kan levere for at opfylde dit behov.


“Right People Group er blevet en vigtig kilde til nye opgaver for mig. De ved hvilke områder jeg helst vil arbejde med, og hvor jeg virkeligt kan levere skarpt. Det er fedt, at de stiller høje krav, og jeg er glad for at være i deres portefølje af konsulenter.”

Kasper Neist, Frontend Developer

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